Wah... Haha still not that particular yet on DI tone, just based on needs... I use a SansAmp Bass Driver DI, but at times I run it clean (transparent) to the mixing board coz the tube simulator thingy sometimes doesn't sound good with slower tempo songs. Actually depending on gig also, If gigs I know then no need to lug around my DI... though its not that big, its still some volume and weight in my gig bag! (I don't drive, so i carry my bass around... hmmm) If I don't know the sound people whom I'll be working with, what equipment they have etc then I bring along just in case they try to run my bass thru some unknown DI (eg 'Leem' brand). Otherwise my onboard Aguilar OBP-3 should buffer the signal enough for most 'bad' DIs to get at least a decent tone. But as far as I've come across most decent sound companies have Countryman, Boss DI-1 or Whirlwind DIs as standard, only those funny companies use cheapo stuff.
But the best was... The other time I did a gig (@ Suntec Ballrooms 1,2 & 3 if you must know), this soundman hung a mic over my bass amp to mic it up. Like in the olden days 70's era like that, bass amp also mic up hahaha... Cannot make it man. I kindly offered to plug out his mic and run my bass thru the SansAmp. Bah.