Bass DI - Which one is yr fave!


New member
Dear Bassist in SG,

With DI for Bass is yr fave?

Aphex Bass Exciter

SAnsamp Bass Driver

Hartke VXL Bass Attack


I'm currently using The Hartke Bass Attack DI / Preamp and it rocks! Manage to get a real bass tone instead of that hi-fi, Sterile tone of the normal DI boxes

Anybody using tat?

for recording i used aguilar DB900 or countryman ( forgot the model).
been trying to use Tab funkenwerk V71DI.
for live perfomance Sansamp RBI was my axe.

Was using a normal D.I in the best but it lack the punch and was too sterile.

And was kinda pissed with using D.I boxes supplied during live gigs

Too poor to buy a sansamp, I bought the Hartke Bass Attack.

It's quite good. Warm and Nice. Sounds like you are using a bass amp as it's a preamp


Will try to recording something with a normal D.I then use the Hartke for comparison

cheap stuff

well there's cheap stuff around and it's good one. try for RADIAL ENGINEERING stuff, i believe they are around 200SGD.
I got a friend, he's the bassist in MDC, he bought the Sansamp Bass DI but felt it lacked a certain warmth... it was great for rock and heavy stuff but he didn't like the tone for jazz and softer music.

In the end, he bought the Bassbone bass DI? Now he's happy... REALLY happy... maybe I should ask him why is it so good... hmmm...

Anyway, he's selling his Sansamp Bass DI... any of you guys intrested, pm me... ;)
sobs, i dont have a bass DI yet. i wanted to get the Hartke Bass Attack, but wasnt too sure about it...

any in-depth comments about it? i read the brochure and it looks awfully tempting.

oh and i love the name of this one: "Aphex Bass Exciter". rotfl
ShredCow said:
I got a friend, he's the bassist in MDC, he bought the Sansamp Bass DI

haha, is it jon? if it is, it's also cos of the bass he's using... it's a zon 4-string, so it doesn't really go with the BDDI. I'm using a Fender Marcus Miller 4-string with the Hartke and I'm pretty pleased with it so far... been able to get all sorts of tones out of it. Was actually thinking of buying a MM Stingray but it's possible to get the Stingray tone with the Hartke :)
i've been using sansamp bddi for rock n metal pounding,funky slapping n pulling on my yamaha 4 stringer jazz n 5 string bb505ii,sounds good til now n got good feedback from customers n music lovers,its how u tweek it makes it sound good
Wah... Haha still not that particular yet on DI tone, just based on needs... I use a SansAmp Bass Driver DI, but at times I run it clean (transparent) to the mixing board coz the tube simulator thingy sometimes doesn't sound good with slower tempo songs. Actually depending on gig also, If gigs I know then no need to lug around my DI... though its not that big, its still some volume and weight in my gig bag! (I don't drive, so i carry my bass around... hmmm) If I don't know the sound people whom I'll be working with, what equipment they have etc then I bring along just in case they try to run my bass thru some unknown DI (eg 'Leem' brand). Otherwise my onboard Aguilar OBP-3 should buffer the signal enough for most 'bad' DIs to get at least a decent tone. But as far as I've come across most decent sound companies have Countryman, Boss DI-1 or Whirlwind DIs as standard, only those funny companies use cheapo stuff.

But the best was... The other time I did a gig (@ Suntec Ballrooms 1,2 & 3 if you must know), this soundman hung a mic over my bass amp to mic it up. Like in the olden days 70's era like that, bass amp also mic up hahaha... Cannot make it man. I kindly offered to plug out his mic and run my bass thru the SansAmp. Bah.