Bass DI shootout: MXR vs Sansamp

Isn't the MXR a distortion pedal? And has a Mid control unlike the SansAmp.
And a Blend Control.
SansAmp is a Mild Overdrive/Tube Emulation pedal.
Both have XLR Out, Parallel Outs.
The blend control on the MXR is to blend distortion and clean bass tone.

Basically it is an active DI box with built in distortion effects.
i'm pretty much an MXR guy, but that's because i'm an EQ freak.

MXR served me better with 3-band EQ, and the distortion channel isn't too bad. although i found myself wanting more after awhile. it makes a great boost after my distortion pedal though.

MXR's cheaper as well, but you pay for what you get. the EQ colouring and the 'active' setting on the DI/pedal really does colour your sound. but i found that in a good way, it's made my P-bass and BB1500A sound very modern and is pretty essential for me to cut through the mix if i'm playing a crappy Peavy Bass amp.

i support this unit more for practical reasons than in my quest for tone -)
i'll go for ArtMP Tube Studio V3 Instrument/Mic Preamp. Im using one and its damn good. No coloration. Just analog warmth. im not exagerating here. try it. Bought mine from
for microphone and instrument... for bass and guitar? i'm no techie... but that thing's got to work on quite a wide range of frequencies innit? *shrug*

anyway, just an input. i own a sansamp, and like the mxr (according to litford, since i haven't tried one myself), and it does colour your tone as well. I've read a lot about it colouring a lot of your tone, but i feel it colours it just nice, to make your bass sound "fatter"/tube-y/i'm-bad-with-describing-tones, without taking away all of your playing dynamics. If you feel your bass needs more presence in the band setting, u can dial up something good from this.

Amazingly, i haven't touched the overdrive function of this thing... yet. heard good things about it tho.
they are both preamps with di out. and don't they both have drive? the mxr has a seperate drive channel while the sansamp has a drive knob or sth.

i've used the mxr before it is built like a rock and the glow in the dark detailing is freaky

but neither are cheap. and for the dough i'd just get another preamp or parametric eq. i dont use the di out at all. i never get to play at venues that warrant the use of a di (noob lah :cool: )
Tried both. Sansamp wins, hands down. Even with everything at 12 o'clock, just kick it on and it makes even the lousiest bass sound good.

The distortion on the MXR sounds a little too plasticky for me. Not as horrible as the one on the Hartke Bass Attack but still not very ideal.

The "drive" setting on the Sansamp emulates a pushed bass tube amp, rather than an all out distortion on the MXR. It's very responsive to your playing dynamics i.e the drive kicks in more as you play harder. I usually use set it at about 1-2 o'clock. It also interacts with the Presence knob.