Bass Amp Recommendation

exin said:
superkicky said:
Agree on the 4x10 with head... I use a Trace GP12SMX head with 4x10 cab in my main hall and it fits in pretty well. Then again, that head was way before they got bought over and all.

what's your head rating???

Whoops, meant head with the GP12SMX preamp section... anyway, I believe it's rated for 350w.
yups, it sounds like your hall may benefit more from a proper sub-woofer in the house speaker system rather than a patch job using a bass amp on stage..... might actually make things worse like what colarndo pointed out!
Yup I get what you guys meant. Hmm...we are going to renovate the building soon and they are probably not willing to spend more on subs as the new building will have an entirely new sound system. I guess I will still pick a nice bass head with cab so that it can be used for the future building. What size of the cab should I get? Someone tell me the price range for these?
probably 150? most guit amps used in church are abt 50W combos so 50x3=150.

in fact a good combo would be good enough. but idk.