Basic and Pop Piano/Keyboard course.(2 in 1 course)

Ah Qing1988

New member
Basic and Pop Piano/Keyboard course.(limited to 5 students due to my other music commitment, faster contact me by what app ,and or call me to book your slot 92702857)
This is a self improvement and a non examination course.
To see more details please go to my face book page林添庆-1093881693983907/
Or search pianist joseph lim 林添庆 on facebook.It is 1st posting at my facebook page.
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Sorry is a lesson based not course based,you need to book your lesson by what app,1st come 1st serve basis,those who miss can book Monday onward.( Currently only 5 slot !)
If you study long enough from me ,manage to book 3 months and at least have 2 to 3 lesson per month ,it become a course.
It benefit all of us course many of us love in hectic lifestyle in Singapore.I believe we need some time to understand each other and a permanent lesson can be arranged :-)
Good for those who never have music lesson before and thinking to experience it and those thinking whether want to have a commitment in music learning.
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