Bands wanted for studio project at Ngee Ann Polytechnic!


New member
Hey guys! My name is Christopher Grosse and im a year 2 student in Audio-Visual Technology. Coming april will be my 3rd year and i will be doing studio work as my fyp. So basically what i need are bands who are interested to come down and record with me. It will be a good opportunity for anyone out there who wants to get their music recorded! YES ITS FREE:) So yea do send me your Band Name, Band Website, Music Genre and if possible any sort of live recorded videos of the song you may want to record. Look forward to hearing from you guys out there!


Whats your mobile no?

Mine is 98981483
Band genre is Japanese pop rock

Always wanted to try out band recording yeah. I'm from TP by the way.

We are local band Dropbeat Heartbeat and we would love to help you out on your FYP and its a great opportunity for us too. ^^
Our genre is POP/PUNK and we also play covers from Bruno Mars to Katy Perry to A Day To Remember. We have a few original songs that we play at all our gigs but had not really had the chance to record it. So, we are gladly to work with you. :)

Our website is at
You can also find us on facebook an twitter. Just type Dropbeat Heartbeat

We have performed in various venues including Esplanade, Scape, Singapore Flyer and Republic Polytechnic. This is a link to one of our originals that we might want to record. Its a live performance at RP's OPEN HOUSE 2011. It is called That One and Only Thing.

Do give us a call. :)
Dropbeat Heartbeat
Contact: 91333215/93383132
hi Christopher, we are a local band called Picture This Perfect.
we would like to take this opportunity to help you in your project as well as the band

we play genre such as metal/hardcore/experimental.
we do both originals and covers in all our gigs.
we have a few originals but only 2 were being recorded and posted on our myspace and facebook page.

you can take a look on our pictures and videos on our myspace or facebook page.

we hope that you could take some time and listen to our music.

contact me at

cheers :D