in such days where everything seems to be rising.
why not bands in singapore just take a stand? we really couldnt just gig for free for clubs or have us market for them yet reciving less than 20 percent of sales ticket.
how about lets all take a stand. if gig organiser are charging 10 per ticket , we do take 50 percent of what we sold and 10 percent of what they sold. Isnt it fair this way? how long are we singaporeans musicians going to let gig organisers under pay us? just for how long?
whos standing by me?
I hope tiz reply ain't gonna open a can of worms.
I dun speak for all gig organizers but for my group (+VE65 and PROPAGANDA MACHINE).
Payment for bands? Sure. Definitely. I agree that bands must be paid. But... can the bands deliver? Can they bring in the fans? Will enough people come and PAY to watch them? Simple demand and supply.
Bands have rehersal time and maybe some transport money whilst practising for the gig. Organizers have venue & equipment rental as the 2 major costs to consider. Both have their costs considerations. Unfortunate but thats the economics of doing a show.
Simple math.... $8 a ticket (my std price for local shws) x 100 people (usual turn out) = $800 tix sales. Venue rental eg. Arts House $800 + equipment rental $700 (average) = $1,500 cost (excluding any other costs). $1,500 - $800 = $700 loss. How to make money?
One of the shows I did, the band I invited asked for $50. I told them "sure" but provided we have some money left over. What happened? Only like 5 of their "supporters" turned up. Best part all didn't go into the venue. Inside they played to an almost empty dance floor. You tell me how to pay them?
Thats why I'm encouraging bands to organize their own shows then they would understand the difficulties that we orgainizers go through. I know there are some "unethical" organizers out there who exploit "hard up" bands by asking them to sell a certain number of tickets but thats an old story.
I dun care if you believe me or not but I've not made a single cent from all the shows I've organized so far. My first gig after a hiatus of 10 years cost me $2,000 lost (this show I paid EVERYONE from band to crew). Last few shows I did we made losses of anywhere from $100 to $300 each. But glad to say managed to pay bands $30 for one show.
Comeback Kid? Ha ha thank God made a $300+ lost only. Indonesia promoter? Owed like USD8K of debts and now being sued by everyone.
Besides having to worry if we can sell enough tickets to cover costs. We get the worst headache of all... gatecrashers. These "friends" (or freeloaders) will always turn up at every single gig and use their "friendship" with you to try and gain free entry. Or else its the band asking for free enrty for their friends. How to be diplomatic and not offend people?
Surely I must be making money if not why still do it? Ha ha thats why organizer is a thankless job. Its all about believing in the music, the scene and looking at the fan's faces enjoying themselves. Itz alot of things that cannot be explained by words..Don't believe me? I dun care.
Frankly if you are in this for the money. Then you will be sadly disappointed. Dun diss all promoters/organizers.
Plz orgainze your own shows then start this kind of thread. Thats what alot of bands are doing now.... and itz a good sign. You get to play your own show... u all split the costs. You end up not feeling exploited by unscrupulous organizers.