Bands required for October event!

Dear Softies,

Neoteric Entertainment is a new events company made up of the core team of members who did "Deliverance", the charity gig that was held at The Arts House back in 2010.

We're now back in the events scene and are looking to promote local talent once again. As you all may know, the music scene in Singapore isn't that great or big, but we believe in never giving in. Although it is hard for both organizers and performers/bands to make it big in Singapore, experience is something that we never forget.

After a tiny revamp, Neoteric Entertainment is looking to start organizing gigs and performances once again, and we can't do it without your help. We're starting off with "Deliverance II", which has been set for the 5th of October. We do need a couple of bands to help us start off this local scene campaign, and we are only particular about quality. We firmly believe that Singaporean musicians are talented, and given the right platform and guidance, you can shine.

It's an open-genre gig, we will accept bands of all races, sizes, and genres.

Here's the following we have to offer:

1) A nice venue(s) for a gig (we're not stopping at one event, don't worry!).
2) A great time with your friends.
3) Stage experience.
4) Audience.

And here's what we need from you:

1) Name of your band, band members, and a little bit of history.
2) Any audio that you may have, though this isn't a must.
3) A youtube link for us to determine how good you are on stage, but this again, is not a must.

E-mail us at with those details and we'll get back to you!

Please address the subject bar with your band name. Contact us for more details!

Thank you for your time! Hurry and contact us for more details!



Events Co-ordinator
Neoteric Entertainment
Sounds good, but This gig is on a Friday i believe judging from the date

Dear Wylde,

The date is indeed a Friday, and we have considered the fact that potential performers may have work/school/NS, therefore the event will start in the evening. Please contact us for more details!

You can reach us at Thank you for the support so far, we hope to receive more keen bands.

Thanks for your time!



Events Co-ordinator
Neoteric Entertainment
Dear Softies,

A little update! We are still accepting application from bands. Thank you to all the bands that have applied so far, we appreciate all the support we've been receiving! Keep the love coming!

We've confirmed the date, the time and the venue.

Date: 5th October 2012 (Friday)
Time: 5 pm to 10 pm
Venue: The Substation

We hope to hear from you guys! If you're interested, please e-mail us at



Events Co-ordinator
Neoteric Entertainment
Dear Softies,

We've just set up our Facebook and Twitter page, please show your support by liking/following. We're still accepting applications and reviewing them. If you're interested in performing, do drop us a message at


We're carefully looking through every application, and we've received many e-mails, so thank you so much for the support! Applications are still open, so keep sending them in. Even if Deliverance II slots are filled, we've got another one coming up soon after Deliverance II.

Thanks for your time and we hope to hear from you!

Cheers, have a great weekend!


Jared Michael
Events Co-ordinator
Dear Softies,

Just a little update, we've confirmed 3 bands so far, after looking through their performances, and we're still looking for more. We're carefully evaluating each band, as we wish to provide a quality experience for our viewers. Though we evaluate each band based on their ability to interact with the crowd, how well they work as a band, and how well they're able to play as individuals.

This is why a video accompanying your application is highly useful. We understand that videos may not be available, in which case we would appreciate the band's prior experience performing in gigs, if any.

Please keep the applications coming in, and we appreciate all the support from all the bands so far. You can reach us at

Thank you for your time, and have a great Labour Day!


Jared Michael
Events Co-ordinator
Dear Softies,

We have been receiving a couple of e-mails asking if our application is closed; our applications are still open. We are still accepting bands who wish to apply.

Another question we are receiving: "Any genre can?"

Yes, it's an open-genre gig, we will permit any kind of genre to play, J-pop/J-rock, Metalcore, Hard Rock, Classical, Hip-hop, you name it, we're allowing all kinds musical genres. So fret not and send in your applications!

We're working hard to review and evaluate bands, and once again, we thank you for the continuous interest and support!

I will be updating this thread regularly.

Thank you for your time!


Jared Michael
Events Co-ordinator
Dear Softies,

As promised, here's an update!

We've confirmed 4 bands now, and we've got space for another 6. Each band will be given 30 minutes to play, inclusive of set up time. We're taking our time, choosing unique talents! The line-up so far looks to be a blast!

Keep giving us support, and bands, keep applying!

Thanks for your time and have a great Vesak Day Weekend!


Jared Michael
Events Co-ordinator
Are acoustic sets accepted..?????

Dear Viking66,

Acoustic bands/artists are accepted. As mentioned above, this is an open genre gig.

If you're interested, email us with the full details of your band and any sample (audio/video) you may have to

Thanks for your time! Happy Vesak Day!


Jared Michael
Events Co-ordinator
Neoteric Entertainment
Dear Softies,

We've been getting overwhelming responses from classic rock bands, Guns & Roses cover bands, Bon Jovi cover bands and the likes, and we're wondering...where have the metal heads gone? As I've mentioned, this is an OPEN-GENRE gig, ALL genres will be accepted, provided the bands representing the genres do a good job!

On that note, we're finding it tough to let too many classic rock bands in, it'll be a clash of the bands, which we don't really want, do we? We're looking for a bit of variation, so keep giving us your applications! Pop Rock groups, Acoustic groups, Metallica Wannabes, and those whose genres are impossible to pronounce, come and try your luck! Everyone's welcome!


Jared Michael
Events Co-ordinator
Neoteric Entertainment
Does performing bands need to pay to play/register or sell tickets? Cheers

Dear Nightwish_Sg,

Pay-to-play, never. Deliverance II is a commissioned gig. Yes, we do require you to sell tickets, however you are paid for your efforts. For more information, please contact us at

We can't be releasing all the good stuff here, can we? Where's the fun in that, I need to do my job in replying e-mails too!

Deliverance II is a commissioned gig, and Neoteric Entertainment is looking to organize further gigs that are based on commissions, but it will depend on the scale of the event. Some events, such as the predecessor of Deliverance II, did not require bands to sell tickets.

For people with further queries who may reply here, please note that we will not be releasing the ticket pricing and the details of the ticketing process in forums; it will be done solely through e-mail, and only to bands that have been reviewed and short-listed.

Hope that answers your question! Thanks for your time! Cheers!


Jared Michael
Events Co-ordinator
Neoteric Entertainment
Hey Hey Awesome Jared,

Its really awesome that you guys promotes music locally....Salute!

Scaned thru your ads and such, Really lots of info.....though

Q. Is there any Money for the Band Members?

Hey Hey Awesome Jared,

Its really awesome that you guys promotes music locally....Salute!

Scaned thru your ads and such, Really lots of info.....though

Q. Is there any Money for the Band Members?


Dear Patt,

Thank you for the nice words, we really appreciate the encouragement and support from the very talent we are trying to support.

As for your question, I have mentioned that this is a commissioned gig. It is NOT a paid gig. What's the difference?

Commissioned gig - You are required to sell tickets, based on that, you will be given commission, it's a little extra cash just to show that we appreciate your efforts. The commission given out to the band as a whole, not the individual, unless you speak directly to our Sales & Marketing head with a proposal of your own.

Paid gig - I pay you to play for my gig. Neoteric Entertainment is unfortunately still starting off, hence we do not have the resources or the means to pay bands to play for our events. However, this will remain on the table, and if we are able to receive some success from our endeavors, we will be doing that occasionally.

I apologize for the overload of information, but other than ticket pricing, we are keeping everything open to those who are interested. People in Neoteric Entertainment have been performing locally for 5-7 years now, hence we know the feeling of pay-to-play gigs or gigs that require you to sell tickets, which is why we try our best to make the experience worth-while for the bands, and the audience as well. We are hell bent on promoting local talent, frankly because there are many artists/bands in Singapore that are simply kick ass!

On that note, I thank you for your time, and I thank everyone for the incredible support.


Jared Michael
Events Co-ordinator
Neoteric Entertainment
Dear Softies,

Another update, we've confirmed a 5th band, and we are still processing more. Please keep your applications coming, we appreciate the support we've gotten so far!

Tickets are in the final design phase, and should roll out within the next 2 weeks.

We will also be releasing the band names once we have at least 7 bands that have been confirmed by us.

We are looking for 10 bands in total, as the show is 5 hours long, and each artist/band will get 30 minutes of airtime.

Once again, thank you all for your support and we look forward to work with you!


Jared Michael
Events Co-ordinator
Neoteric Entertainment
Dear Softies,

We have confirmed the 6th band, and we'll be releasing the names once a couple more bands are approved.

The line-up looks pretty darn good, with a nice and decent variety of music! We're totally stoked for the event! Applications are coming to an end pretty soon, but you can continue to send in your band information to us, as we're planning (yes, we are!) another event on January, 2013. Sure, it's a long time away, but we would love to get to know more bands and increase our network. Don't forget, promoting local music and providing bands the platform they need to shine is what we have set out to do!

On that note, Neoteric Entertainment is partnering up with Mélange Entertainment for Deliverance II and for future events!

Thanks once again for your time, and keep the applications coming!


Jared Michael
Events Co-ordinator
Neoteric Entertainment

P.S. Please show your love and support! Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, we promise you cookies - but you must turn up for Deliverance II to meet us!
is my band genre accepted?

Hi there! We are a progressive death metal band, can we join u guys for the gig? Since its an open genre it would be cool if u can accept us... I can give u a video link on youtube of our previous gig if u want... thks!!!!
Hi there! We are a progressive death metal band, can we join u guys for the gig? Since its an open genre it would be cool if u can accept us... I can give u a video link on youtube of our previous gig if u want... thks!!!!

Dear xzambrotx,

Thanks for your interest! We have one slot remaining for Deliverance II. As a matter of fact, we currently do not have any Death Metal bands, and we are trying to reserve the last slot for Metal bands, we would like to have some variety in terms of music, as I've explained in previous posts.

If you are keen on joining us, please send in your application to so that we can evaluate you. Since we're at the last slot, please send it in ASAP. Kindly follow the format I've provided on our very first post.

Thank you for your time, and hope you've had a great weekend!


Jared Michael
Events Co-ordinator
Neoteric Entertainment
Dear Softies,

Here's the long awaited update!

Firstly, I apologize strongly for the delays. I swear it is the fault of Diablo 3. You should totally get it - along with a couple of day of work/school. I've been trying to use proper English and all...but seriously I have to resort to Singlish and Malay to show the extreme pleasure the game has provided. The game is "shiok" and "macham baik".

Anyways, back to business. We've got one last available slot, and we would like to have a Metal band take it. However...we have had to reject a couple of Metal bands as they weren't cut up to standard, unfortunately. And the rest have yet to get back to us. So to save us the trouble, and to make sure the process is fair, it's up for grabs, first-come-first-served. Once we evaluate you, we will send you a congratulatory email, and it is your responsibility to get back to us to confirm your participation in Deliverance II; otherwise we will be forced to assume you are not interested.


Next up, we've confirmed 9 bands, and we'll be releasing the names and genre of 5 of them first, and the next 5, once the last band has been selected. Our tickets have been designed, and we'll be getting them printed really soon, pre-sale ticket details will be released in a new thread at the Events section of Soft's Forums.

Now here's the 5 bands, as promised (and I'm terribly sorry for the delay once again, Diablo was trying to take over the world...I had to kill him), and in no particular order:

1) Disco Hue [Genre: Pop-Rock]
2) Pathos [Genre: Acoustic]
3) Hazel & Her Nuts [Genre: Acoustic]
4) Pretty Scar [Genre: Classic Hard Rock]
5) Carnations [Genre: Rock]
6) ?
7) ?
8) ?
9) ?

That's the 5 we'll be releasing for now, and once the 10th band is confirmed, we will update this thread, officially closing applications for Deliverance II and will be starting a promotional thread on the Events page!

Thank you all for the support, god bless! We appreciate all the support we get in spear-heading the local music scene!


Jared Michael
Events Co-ordinator
Neoteric Entertainment

P.S. Like us on Facebook! And, if you are playing Diablo III, do drop us a message on Facebook, and we can party up!