Bands Required for August 2013 Gig!

Dear Softies,

Neoteric Entertainment is back with a new gig in August!

Below are some of the basic information:

Name of Event: TBA
Date of Event: 2nd August 2013 (Friday)
Location of Event: The Substation

We're trying something a little different with our events this time round; previously, we would jumble up genres to keep things interesting. However, we're going to segment the event into genres, with a couple of bands featured per genre. We have booked two dates, 2nd August and 23rd August. Currently both dates are available and we'll be featuring genres based on demand.

We'll be updating this thread with more information to come. But for now, we would like to hear your thoughts on what genres you'd like to have us host. Currently, we are anticipating any kind of genre, from acoustic to pop, rock to dub-step, electronic to hip-hop. Bands interested to work with us, do send in your details to We will need the following information from you:

1. Name of Band
2. Name of Band Members & Positions
3. Genre of Band
4. Brief History of Band
5. Influences
6. Any Audio/Visual materials
7. Any Feedback or Suggestions regarding our events

We will update this thread with more information as the days go by. We will be releasing more information this weekend, so stay tuned!


Sherilyn Ng
Artist Co-ordinator
Events & Band Management
Neoteric Entertainment
Instagram: @NeotericEnt
Dear Softies,

We've got two updates.

1. The name of the gig will be Kaleidotune.

2. We are having some technical difficulties with our mail servers. Do send in your e-mails, we will be sorting out the issues and getting back to all the bands who have applied. We sincerely apologise to all the bands that have sent in their applications on time and have yet to receive a reply, we have received your e-mails, we just can't send out replies because of an outgoing mail server problem.

Thank you for your time and we'll get back to you soon! In the mean time, do send in your applications! We will update this space and notify everyone if the slots are all filled up.


Sherilyn Ng
Artist Co-ordinator
Events & Band Management
Neoteric Entertainment
Instagram: @NeotericEnt
Dear Softies,

More updates! Here we go!

For the first time, sound-check will be assigned between 1 pm and 3 pm, and the event will kick off at 3 pm. The event will last till 10 pm, and will feature between 12 and 13 bands across four different genres. As this is specifically a genre-segmented event, we will be allocating bands their time-slots based on their genres. We intend to make the music go heavier as the night progresses, so for example, between 3 pm and 4.30 pm will be the "Acoustic" genre showcase. Between 5 pm and 6.30 pm will be the "Pop/Indie/Alternative" genre showcase. Between 6 pm and 8 pm will be the "Rock" genre showcase and last but not least, between 8.30 pm and 10 pm will be the "Metal" genre showcase.

As such, bands will be assigned a slot and will be allowed to choose a given time based on their genre showcase timing, i.e. if you are an Acoustic band, you can choose a time between 3 pm and 4.30 pm, if you are a Metal band, you can choose a timing between 8.30 pm and 10 pm, vice versa.

Each band will be allowed 30 minutes of performance and set-up time. There will not be any extra time allowed for sound check other than the 1 pm to 3 pm sound-check period prior to the start of the event.

We hope this helps bands make a better decision with regards to applying to this particular event, Kaleidotune.

Finally, Neoteric Entertainment would like to hear more from the bands and what the bands would like. We want to know what you want organisers to hold, what kind of events, the scale of the events. We'd like to have an open discussion about music and the local scene with you amazing talents. We welcome you to e-mail your feedback to us at

Thank you for your time and we hope to receive more applicants so we can meet more amazing local talents.


Sherilyn Ng
Artist Co-ordinator
Events & Band Management
Neoteric Entertainment
Instagram: @NeotericEnt
Dear Softies,

We recently received news that the 23rd of August is unavailable. The Substation will be hosting their own event which may interfere with ours, hence we are calling the date off.

We will proceed on with the 2nd of August, so keep sending your applications in!

Thanks for the support and we look forward to hearing from you!


Sherilyn Ng
Artist Co-ordinator
Events & Band Management
Neoteric Entertainment
Instagram: @NeotericEnt
Dear Softies,

Less of an update and more of a request; we actually need more Indie, Pop and Metal bands. Yeah, we're surprised there's so few Metal bands too. Any spectrum from each of the genre are welcome. We have had plenty of applicants, and from the reviews we've done so far, we do need more bands, so do send in your applications to!

We hope to hear from more talented bands and as always, your feedback will be much, much appreciated! Have a great weekend ahead!


Sherilyn Ng
Artist Co-ordinator
Events & Band Management
Neoteric Entertainment
Instagram: @NeotericEnt
Dear Superboi,

Yes, for this particular event, bands will be required to sell tickets and will be provided with commission in return for their efforts. I urge you to not think of us as a group of money-making maniacs who make those typical events where you have to pay in order to play. Our most important reason for making bands sell tickets for specific events is to ensure they have an audience to play to. We've had too many instances where bands end up playing to an empty room.

However, we want to gather as much feedback as we can from the local musicians so we can change our event models to better promote local musicians. We're drawn to the prospect of hosting outdoor events and showcases, and we do intend to get all the help we can to make it happen.

If you do have any feedback, do let me know, here or at!

Thanks for your time!


Sherilyn Ng
Artist Co-ordinator
Events & Band Management
Neoteric Entertainment
Instagram: @NeotericEnt
I'm really interested in the event especially for the pop ad indie segment. Anyway, ye only problem is that I have not informed my band yet. When is the deadline for applications? I'm really sorry f this question is stupid by I'll be only meeting them on the 15th. However, I can assure you that my band is the real deal for that kind of genre. You won't get disappointed.

Dear Mozakz,

Thanks for your interest! We'd love to hear your band! Do drop us an e-mail once you've confirmed with them. Our applications will be open for an indefinite amount of time. We're taking our time to carefully select bands this time, crashing their jamming to get a better understanding of who they are because we are keen on partnerships.

And as Faisal kindly pointed out, you can reach us by replying to this thread, e-mailing us at, or contacting us via Facebook or Twitter. We'd love to hear from you. (Thank you for replying for us Faisal! Appreciate it!)

I look forward to hearing from you!


Sherilyn Ng
Artist Co-ordinator
Events & Band Management
Neoteric Entertainment
Instagram: @NeotericEnt
Dear Softies,

We've got one more slot in the Rock Genre and two more slots in the Pop/Indie/Alternative Genres. We're expanding the Pop/Indie/Alternative Genres to include Top 40's cover bands as we've received several e-mails asking for that to be included.

Interested bands, do e-mail us at now! Applications are still open, but we will be closing it as soon as we are done finalising all the bands, so hurry and send in your applications!

I look forward to hearing from you!


Sherilyn Ng
Artist Co-ordinator
Events & Band Management
Neoteric Entertainment
Instagram: @NeotericEnt
Dear Softies,

Two slots left under the Indie Genres. We've been looking through several Indie bands and we find that many of them don't make the cut or are unable to perform on the date and time, so the Indie slots available are as such:

4:45 to 5:15 pm and 5:15 pm to 5:45 pm.

Indie bands that are keen, please send in your applications to and we'd love to hear from you. The line-up this time looks highly interesting and we can't wait to share it with you all!


Sherilyn Ng
Artist Co-ordinator
Events & Band Management
Neoteric Entertainment
Instagram: @NeotericEnt
Dear Cheesedaele,

Thanks for your interesting input on the sound checks. I'll be grateful if you could explain yourself a little bit more clearly? Unfortunately I don't see the link between the sound check period, which is separate from the actual performance period. Thanks!

- - - Updated - - -

Dear AskingAlesana,

Yes, covers are fine. But we always like to hear originals. So if you only have covers and intend to perform those, there won't be any issues, no worries! If you are an indie band, do send in your details at I look forward to your application!


Sherilyn Ng
Artist Co-ordinator
Events & Band Management
Neoteric Entertainment
Instagram: @NeotericEnt

I don't mean to sound curt, but hosting a live music event without realising the importance of good soundchecks is shocking.

A proper soundcheck at its most basic end sets the right levels for gain structure and mixes for FoH and monitors. You let your audience hear the band properly, and just as importantly you let your performers hear each other properly. This is even before addressing tonal tweaking and effects, which themselves also make worlds of difference.

For a solo 1-man act, 9 minutes might be overkill. But with full bands, 9 minutes might not be enough to settle even just the rhythm section alone. In your schedule, 9 minutes also includes hooking up and tearing down amongst 13 bands.

I applaud the effort at driving music events, but please do it right, lest it further perpetuates the misconceptions amongst the public that "wah local bands cannot make it one", and amongst performers that "organisers are greedy buggers who know nothing about music".

In parting, it'd take a person less time to google those links than to type out this reply and paste the URL.
Dear Cheesedaele,

Thanks for the feedback! Of course we realise the importance of sound checks, but I think I didn't mention that there will be 3 hours allocated for sound checks prior to the gig for bands to settle their sounds and get accustomed to the set up of the day. So I was wondering how our allocated sound checks would have anything to do with the actual performance timing, confusion there, my bad!

And we totally agree that we shouldn't just organise events and let it be, we need to organise good and decent events so both the bands and the audience can get a wholesome and good experience. That's why we really welcome the feedback you provided. And we genuinely want to hear more from local bands. We're trying our best to receive feedback positively and implement it into future gigs; it's a tedious and slow process, but we really wish to learn along the way.

Back to sound checks, we definitely want to provide more time for sound checks, but for this gig, being a Friday, some bands may not be able to make it during the sound check period and our team will always hope and pray that there aren't any technical delays.

Subsequently, we're going to redouble our efforts to acquire Saturdays to host our events, so fingers crossed! If it's a Saturday, it's more possible to get bands to drop by for sound checks, or that's what we think. So again, if anyone has any thoughts to share about this, please do so!


Sherilyn Ng
Artist Co-ordinator
Events & Band Management
Neoteric Entertainment
Instagram: @NeotericEnt
For the first time, sound-check will be assigned between 1 pm and 3 pm, and the event will kick off at 3 pm.
There will not be any extra time allowed for sound check other than the 1 pm to 3 pm sound-check period prior to the start of the event.
I was under the impression from this post that the time allocated was 2 hours.

A straightforward workaround is to not have so many bands squeezing for precious soundcheck time. Unless you're having different presets for each and every song, the amount of time a band needs to soundcheck is roughly constant regardless of how long/short their set is. The shorter the stage time you later give them, the less efficient the time you've spent for their soundcheck.

If you have fewer bands, each with longer sets, you won't take as long to do a full soundcheck than if you're trying to squeeze twice as many bands. If you have fewer bands, you face fewer excuses about not being able to make soundcheck. You minimise time wasted setting up / tearing down inbetween the actual sets. Fewer transitions between bands allows for fewer risks of schedule delays.

As a paying audience member, I'd rather watch the band I paid to see for a longer period of time, rather than some strangers that I might not even enjoy. Realistically, 30 mins per band translates to just 20 minutes of music, and that's a generous estimate. That's shorter than most TV series episodes. That may be shorter than the time some guests take to even travel to the venue. That might be merely 3 songs. Guests could visit established bars/pubs and get 3 songs at a much better deal, plus more.

Having 13 band names on the ticket is also problematic. Do you price it high, because there is "so much to offer", and deter people from buying, making it even harder for your bands to sell tickets? Or do you price it reasonably, which then sends the message that each of these bands is worth so little to watch?

Unless of course, we do away with all the pretense because the priority is neither the music nor the performers, but just maximising the volume of bands you rope in to sell tickets, so as to milk those easy initial tickets that each band can sell (family members, boyfriend/girlfriend, close friends, schoolmates/colleagues).
Dear Cheesedaele,

That's a very valid point you've raised and we've been getting the same word from several bands, they have been saying they'd like more airtime, and we're contemplating doing that for the next events we do. And I do apologise for the error I made in saying it's between 1 pm and 3 pm, because it's actually from 12 pm to 3 pm, provided equipments set up on time. I posted it awhile back so I can't remember if it was a typo or not. Whoops.

As always, bands will definitely think we're using them to make some easy dollars, but if you have organised small-scale events in Singapore before, you will be aware the profit margin is next to naught. For this very reason, we want to hear what bands think would be a good event for them, what matters to them etc. So with regards to your feedback, thank you. We are learning as we go by, and most importantly we're collecting feedback slowly to make every subsequent event a better one.

I would actually like to hear more about what you think we should be doing. We've spoken to bands that have suggested interesting business models that we may consider, because at the end of the day, we want to work closer with bands.

Again, thank you so much for providing suggestions and advising us.


Sherilyn Ng
Artist Co-ordinator
Events & Band Management
Neoteric Entertainment
Instagram: @NeotericEnt