Bands needed for a gig!!


New member
Dear Softies,

M Productions will be organizing a gig soon, more details will be out on that (i.e location, ticket price, etc)

But for bands that are looking for a platform to showcase your talent, all you have to do is sell 20 tickets.

Interested parties do e-mail the following to

1.) Band Name
2.) Name of Band Members
3.) Contact of Band Leader

That'll be all, and upon receiving your e-mail, we'll further update you on ongings. Also, kindly take note, as stated above, bands WILL BE REQUIRED TO SELL 20 TICKETS. Prices will be announced to them on a later date. We're collecting bands first.

Thanks for reading, do e-mail us if you're interested.

M Productions
Band Name : RoadKiLL
Band Members : Fuzz - Vox
Nick - Guitar
Kx - Guitar
JIN - Bass
Harold - Drums
Band Contact - 97121404 (Fuzz)

Genre : 80s hard rock
Please Note!

Dear Softies,

Kindly e-mail us, we're not THAT active on, so we don't want to miss out on letting keen bands play!

Here's the e-mail once again: (Note, there's no anymore).

Thank you very much for your interest! We'll get back to you by mail!


M Productions