Band looking for Bassist, Keyboardist, Lead guitarist


New member
Hi all, Our band is called Balloon Wings. We consider ourselves a Rock band playing mostly J-rock like ONE OK ROCK, Asian Kung-fu Generation, Bump of Chicken. and we dabble from time to time in other genres and languages as we firmly believe music is universal. However, Visual-kei is a no-no for us.

As our previous members left due to other commitments, we're looking for permanent members to soar with us and eventually create originals to rock other people's world. If you are interested, do note that we DO NOT enjoy playing visual-kei stuff.

If you're musically flexible and have LOTS OF ENERGY to vent, we welcome you to try out with us.

We're looking for:
-Lead guitarist

Do drop me a PM or email at if you're interested to rock out with us. May the Rocker Spirit be with you. \m/
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