Bachelor of Music (Hons) in Professional Music...


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LOL! I know the thread title very long, but in Singapore, are there any places offering such a course? Where we will learn about performance, vocal training, ear training, digital mixing etc... Or are must I go overseas to take such a course? I am currently waiting to go into the army and have seriously considered what I want to do after coming out of the army, and of course I felt a close attachment with music and would like to puruse a music career...hope you guys can help me. :D
What about overseas? Any countries which are highly recommended to go? I dun mind going to Japan if there is one. 8) Btw, thanks Soft for the reply... :D
what is your current status in music? certs, experience, background ...
I started off learning the classical guitar and only have the time to take up to Trinity grade 7, made consider doing grade 8 or diploma if I have the time, then also have a Yamaha grade 6. Experience? Only had experiences in college lehz, was part of the the gutiar ensemble and was one of the sectional leaders and concert master of the ensemble, had only 3 concerts which I took part in, I managed to do a solo performance in one of them and also a band item. Currently about to begin taking up vocal lessons also. All these seems pathetic right, dunnoe whether can bring me far anot... :roll:
erm. can u be more specific in what you wanna take? the term "music" is damn broad lol. laselle have BA hons for classical music/ jazz music and music technology. if u can afford going to US, i reccomend you check out berklee music college ( . u can check the website for all the majors they have. they have stuffs from traditional composition, to film scoring, to music productions n engineering, or u can major in your performance. or MI (i think its musician's institute), they have branches in US and japan if im not wrong. Then again, depends on wad u wanna take.
actually I wanna major in performance and music production and engineering...somewhere along this line...thanks teraslasch, I will check out MI... :D
I have checked out the MI site, seems to be along the line of what I wanna do, but does MI Japan accept international students? :D
Actually it is not only about price yea? Is also whether we are good enough to be selected to go in yea? I think all these schools the entrance numbers are quite restricted? But I guess I will be aiming to enter one of the MIs in Japan... :wink:
yes, its not only about the price, berrklee now requires audition for everyone to prevent those rich kids without talent from entering. :lol: but it isnt impossible to get in, its a school after all, not a place where u find all the super highly skilled people o.o
Well said, I totally agree with you. But I will try for MI in Japan first if I have the chance, the next 2 years I better start brushing up on my guitar and music... :P
does MI in japan conducts course in english?

well in the end the portfiolio might matters more than the cert! However, if you would to venture into teaching professionally conducting courses, the cert really do and does matters. : )

well i always feel the money spent on the cert can be spent on better equiments, however the experience in there and knowledge techniques learnt and felt in pursing the degree is always priceless : )
I do no think MI conducts courses in English, but I have been taking up Japanese lessons, so that might no be a problem, yea, I feel that if i were to study there, the experiences and techniques learnt will be more important... :D

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