B.C Rich Basses

warlock bass bronze.

i got one a few months back from penin, not that costly, about $400, bought it cos of its cool look, but its quite uncomfortable initially. plus i had to file down the frets and change the pickups after i bought it.

so anyway, point is, if you're thinking of buying one, try it on with a strap first. if you're comfortable with it, go ahead.

hahaha...changing pickup??

i thought B.C gives the Deep sound of the edge<<RIght??

hahaha..this topic is alive!!!!hahaha
wow, $400 ??erm..did you call First?? or you walk in with big Cash and ask them??hahaha
B.C rich, if you want a good B.C Rich bass, then the more $$$ you spend, the better, i've seen B.C's going ard for 300+ which is the Bronze edition, and sounds so crap like TGM cheapo's.

so the more $$$ you have, the bettter quality. but still, it can't compete with it's counterparts though in terms of quality sound i guess.
BC Rich Beast Bass

hi, I bought a BC Rich bass guitar black in colour in 2006.It sounds great & it's kinda big for the physique. But i guess i don't mind as I'm quite a big guy. It's been through with me for all the gigs I've perform in & i do get compliment from my fellow rockers about my bass.

Rock on!!!!!!!!
haxi..too bad Davis don't have the Widow WMD haxi....

now i looking for other bass that's really same to WMD
in the sense of tone,shape<maybe>>>features...and so on...

sad Sad Sad !!!
you must know that if you buy an entry level thing it will sound entry level (except for some exceptions) BC rich is one of them. Look beyond the bronze/platinum/import series and you will find the gems of BCR guitars and basses
if it sounded as bad as some people say it did, why even buy it? unless you people skipped the testing and just bought on impulse without prior inspection and scrutiny..