Avenged Sevenfold + The Academy Is...


Hey AX7 and Academy fans...

Is there anything that you guys wanna ask the band? I'm interviewing them tomorrow morning and evening, so just gathering up questions that some SOFTies might want to hear answered :) Burning questions, curious comments, anything you wish :)

oh yeah :)
AX7 = avenged avenged avenged avengned avenged avenged avenged
but A7X is Avenged Sevenfold. big difference! haha
A7X: The reason for your success and existence is the sheer amount of teenagers not knowing what music is all about. What is your answer to that?

Q number 2: Do you think you are "Metal"?
rx7: they're not metal and never will be. if they're ever classified under metal, i'll start listen to pop immediately.

SherT: clearly the a7x fans arent really the best fans around. we metalheads are just standing up for what we believe in, and that is

A7X is pretty darn GAY. period.
jeepers damn right. But this certain genre called metal-CORE has been created and A7X belongs to it. However, i never considered metalcore as metal. Just emo/hardcore fags trying to be metal. :twisted:
MTV's doing all these shit. they labelled KORN as alternative. what in the world?

anyone who watch ROCK IT on mtv would know what i'm talking about.

this is not the kind of exposure the new generation should be getting.

my friend just said this, and i quote, "can u imagine, next time our kids call ol' sch good charlotte or something"
ok calm down guys :)
How about suggesting questions that WON'T lead to them slamming down the phone on me or punching my eye out with their spiked bracelets? :)
whats the fight about between A7X and The Dillinger Escape Plan?

can u ask them that Levan. so that we know what really happened?
but... they don't wear spiked bracelets. lol.

plus, if you all don't like A7X then so be it lah. why must come and start posting shit stuff bout them? i really don't understand. =/
i have a few questions for those fags. you better ask as how i typed them

1) do you think you're cool with all the tattoos,bandanas,nail polish, eyeliners and shit?
2) is the vocalist in a perpetual state of constipation that he has to whine his way through i dont know how many songs off their album
erm, i never knew Avenged could inspire such HATE! :P

anyway i have rephrased the fag question into

1. As many fans are A7X has, there are many naysayers and metalhead purists who feel that you guys have sold out, and are nothing but poseurs. What do you have to say to them about that?

2. Whats was the fight about with The Dillinger Escape Plan?

Is there anything else? ANd i realize nobody wanted to ask The Academy Is... any questions!