Avenged Sevenfold Live In Singapore

wo0ts a7x

omg theyre finally here !

cant believe im overseas and cant be in sg tonight ...

argh -___-
wwooooo juz gt back from the concert
it was the best damn thing lol!
was pushed from the back all the way to the front hahaha
awesome dude
hope to see them again
and this year they didnt play much i think it was like 10 songs or so
and the opening band was awesome
all the way dudes!!!!!!!
BUT I ENJOYED THE CONCERT ALTHOUGH IT WAS SHORT~ nevermind lah. there's always next year :D A7X ROCKS. WE WANT MORE. i like . haha my first a7x gig
yeh it was damn short! and i wanted them to play second heartbeat badly, haha. vermillion was tight i was quite disappointed with the way the crowd acted towards them.

but i still had fun nonetheless :)
Back from the concert, was too damn short i think (1hr+?)

But it was lovelovelovelovelovelovelove fun anyway omg the mosh pit was insane.

Sevenfold sevenfold!
yeh it was damn short! and i wanted them to play second heartbeat badly, haha. vermillion was tight i was quite disappointed with the way the crowd acted towards them.

but i still had fun nonetheless :)

LOL... ROFL...

the crowd was like... WHO THE FU**??... WHO THE FU**??...
Lol.. i cant help laughing... but the cover band did well, despite not getting the support..
well, it was partly a7x's fault for making us wait.. HAHAHA.. :D:D
it started at wat, 9pm? typical rock concert man.. :D
LOL. when queueing up to get inside max pavilion,the people started cursing the security guards hahaha. and the pushed. my friend got stomped on in the mosh pits D: SEVENFOLD SEVENFOLD.i like the way m.shadows air guns in afterlife. haha
yea.. quite sad the way the crowd reacted towards vermillion. and haha the wait between end of vermillion and start of a7x was daaaaamnnn long >< got damn restless lol and yea their set was rather short. but all in all it was awesome nonetheless =))

and i heard from my friend there was some fight going on outside before the show? i didn't know bout that cause i came late haha what was it all about?
ohhh.. it was vermillion on stage for the opening.. so the original drummer of vermillion was replaced temporary by another chinese drummer??

i know vermillion's original drummer... Sukrino ?

anyway.. the mosh and pushing was really crazy at zacky's side... so pitiful that the girl i just knew at the frontline was sandwiched badly.... and have to be "bodysurfed' out... Ifa/Afa was her name.. arr.. nvm.. Was totally wild...

by the way.. what the heck did they play on the interval.. ?? a mexican song..??? zacky and syn created.. says Matt..
yea.. quite sad the way the crowd reacted towards vermillion. and haha the wait between end of vermillion and start of a7x was daaaaamnnn long >< got damn restless lol and yea their set was rather short. but all in all it was awesome nonetheless =))

and i heard from my friend there was some fight going on outside before the show? i didn't know bout that cause i came late haha what was it all about?

yeah there's a fight. twice in fact. first time is a malay guy punching another guy in the face causing him to fall. from like 50m away i can hear the sound of the knuckles smashing onto the face. the second time, same guy again. wanted to fight another guy. police came. lol
Yeah man... F the mosh.. ppl were getting crushed underneath. for those who didnt see, it was madness.. i mean.. i saw one girl getting crushed by like wat, 4 or 5 guys... we were in the first few rows.. total madness.. i went to the back and had a peaceful time..