Audiophile 192


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Audiophile 192, can i say its the best soundcard from m-audio now?..
lol, i wana get this soundcard from sinamex, the problem now is that im gona have 2 soundcards, will there be any problems occuring?.. and in terms of music wise, is it better to listen using my Creative audigy 2 platinum pro or the Audiophile 192?..
Hi teraslasch, just 2cent of what i feel. Currently there are a few "audiophile" sound card out there: M-audio AP192, ESI Juli, Creative's Emu 1212 and more but i think these 3 are the better ones out there (i.e. is under S$400)

I personally gotta the m-audio AP192. Comparing it to my super old SB live and onboard soundcard (Soundmax), it has much more depth, warm, clarity... just a big step from what i used to hear. The card is cater more to musicians as it has 1/4" inputs for recording via ASIO, midi, etc.
Can be paired up with PT LE to do some basic recording. Cost price is $295 (From Sinamex)

The ESI Juli is pretty interesting card. Its printed on a white PCB. Defaults to RCA in/out but a flip of the card over, 1/4" connector can now be used. Cost price is $269. (From SLS Cybermind)

The Creative Emu 1212 has a pretty big hype over it for its D/A converter, which is supposely the same chip used in Digidesign 192 i/o. Some ppl like the card as it has a lot of top end and clarity, other hate it for too much coloration to it. The cost price for this is $369. (Also from Cybermind)

It all depends on ur budget and what u trying to archieve. Cheers!
I have a 192 plugged into a simple Behringer Europack UB802 mixer into a SM57, and it records my guitare awesomely. I use Altec Lansing MX5021 speakers... and my music sounds awesome through them :D

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