Audiocean: Looking for Vocalist


New member
Hello everyone, we are Audiocean. We're looking for a female vocalist in order to keep in line with previous incarnations of our band.

Here are some old videos for you to get a brief idea of what we sound like.

From Baybeats 2009:

From YOG 2010:

Our sound has evolved a little since then and we're looking out for someone interested to grow with us. Having experience would be a bonus, but not entirely necessary if you're confident with your craft.

Should you or anyone you know be interested, hit us up through one of the following means.

If you have any further questions about ourselves feel free to contact us as well.
Do refrain from PMing us on SOFT as we do not check back often.

Do help us spread the word aight! Cheers!
We are still looking!
We also just realised that we can get email notifications for PMs. So feel free to PM on SOFT if that's more convenient!

Still looking!
On a side note, we're not looking for a clone of our old vocalist - if that's the impression some of you have.