Attenutor: what exact does it help for 100watt head in HDB Flat?


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what does it exact help?

supposely i have a Peavey 6505 + cab in my hdb room.
i cant crank up the vol to get the desire tone,
how does the attenutor helps at low vol?

i don much ppl sell these gadget in shop?

many thks to forumer for help
Have you actually done any research on what an attenuator does? You have found out about its existence, why not try and read up on what it does.

I use a JVM410H through a 4x12 cab in my bedroom and I don't use an attenuator.
he is just asking a question if you can't give him an answer maybe you should just keep quiet

TS, the attenuator allows you to crank your amp to your desire tone at the same time you can keep the volume level at bedroom level so your neighbors won't complaint.
I use a JVM410H through a 4x12 cab in my bedroom and I don't use an attenuator.

You must have some very understanding neighbours and family members.

Like what Rokken said, if you are like me having a baby in the house and can't crack the amp to its sweet spot, then an attenuator is definitely recommended. It helps to achieve and hit that poweramp saturation's sweet spot, in comfortable levels without you needing to crack the master volume of your amp.
thanks to cavett n rokken.
honestly, i don see these attenutors much in local shops,
but at the same time, amphead of 50 to 100w are selling in singapore,
(assuming buyers are usually HDB dwellers n considerate neighbours).

hey doggythis kid,
if you don like this thread, you can DODGE THIS thread.
thanks huh!
Yes, a culture of spoonfeeding must be cultivated! Self-help must be discouraged! I guess these days people are too lazy to even use Google.
There are different qualities of attenuators as well. Attenuators are used to divert and dissipate some or all of the amplifier's excess or unneeded power in order to reduce the volume of sound produced by the speaker.
Depending on how the attenuator functions, you may get the entire pre-amp and power amp tube distortion at lower volumes. However, this usually comes at some amount of tone loss. Sound=air particles vibrating; therefore less volume would have an effect on your EQ.
There are different qualities of attenuators as well. Attenuators are used to divert and dissipate some or all of the amplifier's excess or unneeded power in order to reduce the volume of sound produced by the speaker.
Depending on how the attenuator functions, you may get the entire pre-amp and power amp tube distortion at lower volumes. However, this usually comes at some amount of tone loss. Sound=air particles vibrating; therefore less volume would have an effect on your EQ.

ok thks again.. sonically, it wont be a linear curve.
but low vol practise in HDB with a peavey 6505, it's a useful gadget.

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