attention gig organizers


New member
first of all.. hello..
if you ever need a band for any of your gigs..
just text here for everyone to know abt ur gigs..
and second of all.. pm me aite.. my band's interested in performing for ur gig..
:D i'm certainly am desperate for putting my band for gigs :lol:
i hope you would come to us for ur gigs..

thank you for ur cooperation

yours truly,
hope u gig organizers will post here.. so that others and myself wont have difficulties finding you guys for gigs.. sorry for any troubles..

this kind of thread is still being continued...look, gig organisers dont look for bands, bands look for gig organisers...its always been this way, unless you are famous, keep trying
mimi, i think you & yr band have to work your way up, things like gig don't juz come to you.... you have to look for them....

most of the gig organizer are nice ppl so don't worry juz talk to them more...

wish u & yr band sucessful finding a gig........
hey...ho let`s go!!!!!

nice music...i like it!!!
u might wanna consult Mr. HeartRockS` me....he`ll like it.... :lol: :lol: :lol:
or Mr. Aging Youth...aka willy..... :lol: :lol:
Re: hey...ho let`s go!!!!!

FATCAT said:
nice music...i like it!!!
u might wanna consult Mr. HeartRockS` me....he`ll like it.... :lol: :lol: :lol:
or Mr. Aging Youth...aka willy..... :lol: :lol:
y so much laughter? :lol: encouragement or sarcasm? :x smilies can b so misleading
khaninawatsibai... i think you shld giv her a break, after all doesn't know the correct way of approach....

so peace everyone........ peace
:? y me?? wat'd i say? im encouraging all along n i was refering to fatcat. coz really the smilies r suspicious..i think u read my posts with a negative approach. well not a matter.
hey ho let`s go!!!!!!!

khaninawatsibai...plzzz..grow up....

dun try to be an ass for once...u dun know me...i dunno u...
so plz...i`m trying to help them..unlike u Mr. Judgemental...Mr. know-it-all....

n for the blardy record..wen i put up smileys..i really mean it....
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
thanx FATCAT..
i don realli mind any sarcasm..
thats the way of life mah..
sure there is good and bad...

aniway.. thanx for the comments you all been given..
learnt a lot..

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