Atlas is looking for an Indie/Alternative VOCALIST!


Active member
Hey guys. Atlas was formed in November of 2010 with 6 members for one objective: to make music.
Since then, we have went a long way playing several shows, composing a series of originals and recording an EP (which is now being mixed for a release soon). We have underwent several line-up changes with 3 different vocalists (we auditioned about 7), 2 drummers and 3 different keyboardists. Unfortunately our vocalist is moving away soon so we need to find a new vocalist to take over where he left of.

What we ARE looking for:
Someone who can sing (know if you are off key or not)
Someone who can sing IN TIME (no point if you cannot play in a band)
Someone with stage presence (must be able to sing on stage and not disappear the night before a gig, happened before)
Someone who pays for jamming as well (no freeloaders please, guy or gal everyone is equal)

Someone who uses vocal effects (we play with a lot of textures in our music, so this is good)
Someone who writes lyrics (so far all lyrics we have are written from other band members, not the vocalists)

What we are NOT looking for:
Someone who THINKS he/she can sing (sorry, but true story, got a few YouTube demos sent to me which were plain horrid)
Someone who is NOT committed (we jam every weekend, Saturday mornings or Sunday afternoon after some of our members church plans)
Someone who is studying abroad in the near future

All in all, Atlas is a 6-piece band consisting of 1 vocalist (You who are reading this), 2 guitarists, 1 bassist, 1 keyboardist and 1 drummer. We play indie/alternative with our own sound. If you do not know what is Indie/Alternative, think Temper Trap, Phoenix, The Killers, Kings of Leon, etc. Oh, and we mix in elements of Post-Rock inside as well.

Anything, SMS me at 9-0-one-one-3-one-one-2, or PM me your demos (if it is available online), or if it is a file, email me at
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Hey people! We need more demos to short list more people for auditions. So far one vocalist has confirmed.

For those wondering, when I started Atlas the members were all 21 years of age. Now our line-up has changed and feature younger musicians!