DATE: 12th FEB, FRIDAY, 7-10PM @ Blackhole, near Arab Street
INFO: 5 other acts performing! Including THAMBI K SEAOW, FOR THIS CYCLE, VERMILLION and more!
HOW lovelovelovelovelovelovelove MUCH WILL IT COST ME?:
Just $6 bucks for 4 hours of grand slam moshing fun! You can't ask for a better bargain!
YEP! You heard as clear as a lob-ear bunny! It's our final show in this country. EVERRR!
For friends and fans in Singapore that we've been so blessed with through our quest for musical liberation, we hope you'll come down and rock out with us ONE LAST TIME!!! For the haters, come down so we can tell you "lovelovelovelove you, suck my balls, NINJA NINJA" again to your faces! (actually no, we'll still make sure it sticks to you for a long time more)
It's been close to three years since the start of Astroninja with Wayne Thunder (RIP) producing and drumming on the album "Kiss My Astro", to being pulled from live radio and banned on national television, being one of the top selling English Rock Bands in the International market, publicly mocked at, threatened to be stomped on, being featured in music magazines and commercials in countries as far away as Denmark (a place none of us even visited before) and so so much more memories that will last us a lifetime and more.
The 12th of Febuary will mark a new milestone for ASTRONINJA. Levan is leaving the country to study in Melbourne, following which I will be heading to California to pursure my Masters and hopefully one day be able to prospect into the Hells Angels. Whether we're headed for further glory or destined for damnation we cannot say for sure, but one thing we know is that Astroninja isn't breaking up. NFFN = Ninja Forever Forever Ninja.
So people, this will be our FINAL SHOW in Singapore. So come on down to the 12th Feb, and we promise you (PROMISE, PROMISE, PROMISE YOU) a lovelovelovelovelovelovelove good moshing time. Bring your friends! Bring your family! And have yourself the best time you can buy for 6 lovelovelovelovelovelovelove bucks.
This one is for YOU!!!
When we had EVERYTHING to lose, we wagered all we had to ENTERTAIN you. Now that we have NOTHING left to lose in this country, what do you think we will be bringing for a FINALE?
In the words of Steve Perry, "Don't Stop Believing"
Forever Astroninja
DATE: 12th FEB, FRIDAY, 7-10PM @ Blackhole, near Arab Street
INFO: 5 other acts performing! Including THAMBI K SEAOW, FOR THIS CYCLE, VERMILLION and more!
HOW lovelovelovelovelovelovelove MUCH WILL IT COST ME?:
Just $6 bucks for 4 hours of grand slam moshing fun! You can't ask for a better bargain!
YEP! You heard as clear as a lob-ear bunny! It's our final show in this country. EVERRR!
For friends and fans in Singapore that we've been so blessed with through our quest for musical liberation, we hope you'll come down and rock out with us ONE LAST TIME!!! For the haters, come down so we can tell you "lovelovelovelove you, suck my balls, NINJA NINJA" again to your faces! (actually no, we'll still make sure it sticks to you for a long time more)
It's been close to three years since the start of Astroninja with Wayne Thunder (RIP) producing and drumming on the album "Kiss My Astro", to being pulled from live radio and banned on national television, being one of the top selling English Rock Bands in the International market, publicly mocked at, threatened to be stomped on, being featured in music magazines and commercials in countries as far away as Denmark (a place none of us even visited before) and so so much more memories that will last us a lifetime and more.
The 12th of Febuary will mark a new milestone for ASTRONINJA. Levan is leaving the country to study in Melbourne, following which I will be heading to California to pursure my Masters and hopefully one day be able to prospect into the Hells Angels. Whether we're headed for further glory or destined for damnation we cannot say for sure, but one thing we know is that Astroninja isn't breaking up. NFFN = Ninja Forever Forever Ninja.
So people, this will be our FINAL SHOW in Singapore. So come on down to the 12th Feb, and we promise you (PROMISE, PROMISE, PROMISE YOU) a lovelovelovelovelovelovelove good moshing time. Bring your friends! Bring your family! And have yourself the best time you can buy for 6 lovelovelovelovelovelovelove bucks.
This one is for YOU!!!
When we had EVERYTHING to lose, we wagered all we had to ENTERTAIN you. Now that we have NOTHING left to lose in this country, what do you think we will be bringing for a FINALE?
In the words of Steve Perry, "Don't Stop Believing"
Forever Astroninja