Astroninja - the final bow


New member

DATE: 12th FEB, FRIDAY, 7-10PM @ Blackhole, near Arab Street
INFO: 5 other acts performing! Including THAMBI K SEAOW, FOR THIS CYCLE, VERMILLION and more!
HOW lovelovelovelovelovelovelove MUCH WILL IT COST ME?:
Just $6 bucks for 4 hours of grand slam moshing fun! You can't ask for a better bargain!

YEP! You heard as clear as a lob-ear bunny! It's our final show in this country. EVERRR!

For friends and fans in Singapore that we've been so blessed with through our quest for musical liberation, we hope you'll come down and rock out with us ONE LAST TIME!!! For the haters, come down so we can tell you "lovelovelovelove you, suck my balls, NINJA NINJA" again to your faces! (actually no, we'll still make sure it sticks to you for a long time more)

It's been close to three years since the start of Astroninja with Wayne Thunder (RIP) producing and drumming on the album "Kiss My Astro", to being pulled from live radio and banned on national television, being one of the top selling English Rock Bands in the International market, publicly mocked at, threatened to be stomped on, being featured in music magazines and commercials in countries as far away as Denmark (a place none of us even visited before) and so so much more memories that will last us a lifetime and more.

The 12th of Febuary will mark a new milestone for ASTRONINJA. Levan is leaving the country to study in Melbourne, following which I will be heading to California to pursure my Masters and hopefully one day be able to prospect into the Hells Angels. Whether we're headed for further glory or destined for damnation we cannot say for sure, but one thing we know is that Astroninja isn't breaking up. NFFN = Ninja Forever Forever Ninja.

So people, this will be our FINAL SHOW in Singapore. So come on down to the 12th Feb, and we promise you (PROMISE, PROMISE, PROMISE YOU) a lovelovelovelovelovelovelove good moshing time. Bring your friends! Bring your family! And have yourself the best time you can buy for 6 lovelovelovelovelovelovelove bucks.

This one is for YOU!!!

When we had EVERYTHING to lose, we wagered all we had to ENTERTAIN you. Now that we have NOTHING left to lose in this country, what do you think we will be bringing for a FINALE?

In the words of Steve Perry, "Don't Stop Believing"


Forever Astroninja

cool ...will try to swing by ... is Blackacid devil the gig org at blackhole?

1 day before my birthday - doono if get get foc entry .. heee heee :mrgreen:
Hell yeah! U ninjas not yet die ah? So long never hear from all miss those live ninja tunes! u and yr final show! I will definitely be there. I chope one front row space so u all can kiss my lily white ass whilst I body surf!
LOL. Nice post Dong. Couldn't have said it better myself. The band wasn't pulled from live radio though -- they're still playing Astro's songs...except..... I never receive royalty cheque leh!!!!!!!!!!!! Now how to get Mass Effect 2 for XBOX?!??!?!

Expect to see the following at the last show (in Singapore):
Cheerleaders = check
Super soakers = check
Super Mario = check
Maybe Barney the Dinosaur too? = check
One heck of a great moshing time = double check!

Seeya at the show!

DATE: 12th FEB, FRIDAY, 7-10PM @ Blackhole, near Arab Street

I will be there next Friday and - - I wish you guys all the Best in whatever you are pursueing) Priority On Hand now) - - But I know - - this is not the last of Astroninja ... and you will all be back and we will see you when we see you - in a couple of years.

PS:- I will be comming with my Band Members (hopefully they can all make it)



DATE: 12th FEB, FRIDAY, 7-10PM @ Blackhole, near Arab Street

I will be there next Friday and - - I wish you guys all the Best in whatever you are pursueing) Priority On Hand now) - - But I know - - this is not the last of Astroninja ... and you will all be back and we will see you when we see you - in a couple of years.

PS:- I will be comming with my Band Members (hopefully they can all make it)



Thanks Eric! You be the bestest regulator of all regulators!
Tons of memories I've had over the years - both good and bad, but all worth the while. I remember the time when I started playing at night markets 8 years ago, where all the aunties and uncles buying chicken wings and Taiwan sausages walked past and stared like we were crazy. Those were humbling days. Then the revival of the scene in the early and mid 2000s (You would have been around then and remembered what a blast those years were!), to playing at the Indoor and National Stadiums, packed school halls and being heard on the radio, selling albums, etc. Such joyous moments. :) That was followed by a horrible period of uncertainty and - and I'm ashamed to admit it - arrogance and obnoxiousness (Long time SOFT posters would know how far I went astray). Conflicts, naysayers, haters, the works.

But through it alll, playing music over the years has been an immensely growing experience for me. I never believed I was the best at anything -- in fact I think I suck at many things -- but I never believed in giving up, and I never did. We only live once after all, and it's important for us to live life to the fullest -- and that includes the good and the bad.

So when I say thank you for the kind words, Eric, I truly mean them from the bottom of my heart. It is very humbling.

And to all musicians who are pursuing that elusive dream of making a living out of playing music, I say NEVER GIVE UP. It will be hard, it will be tiresome, and it will break your heart at times. But I promise you that if you persist, if you thicken your skin and go in with a never-say-die attitude, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Live once, live well.
hey guys presale tix are selling fast! pls contact me or levan if you want them ! 84286559 -vin
If you're at farrer park, get out at mustaffa and walk all the way
down the street that it's on past mustaffa. the street is called syed
alwi road but we're further down, so after mustaffa you have to cross
the jalan besar main road and we're a little further down than that.
If it's from lavender, get off at the main road opposite ica, walk
towards the bridge and further down till the blue mosque, it's called
masjid malabar. Turn right at the mosque and you'll see some
warehouses and a bicycle shop, that's Syed alwi road. walk further
down the row of shophouses, we're on the right in that direction.
This band is one of the most kick-ass bands there is in our scene. Everything about them is pure Rock N Roll!! Every stage they've been on, they owned!

Whatever your future undertakings, keep the rockNroLL spirit in each of you alive.

RockNroLLa bruthas!!!

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