Assorted tracks by me


Hey guys,

I'm new here so most of you don't know me :) I've put up an assortment of things I've found lying around that I've recorded over the years in case anybody is interestd. Knock yourselves out :)

I apologize for the arbitrary names for these few tracks, I was never in the habit of naming things properly :) These are original compositions from a couple of years ago
The Fangs In My Carrot

An incomplete Metallica cover
My Friend of Misery

Some electronica stuff (perhaps a little trip-hop)
Something from the Amelie soundtrack
Just a hint of Hans Zimmer

Ryu's Theme from SFII

A soundtrack I did for a school comedy sketch show
Welcome to Agrabah
Running Bass
The First Breakfast
I'm Busier
Surfin' Rugs
You've Got To Be Kidding Me
You Can Have My Stuff
The Showdown

My arrangement of Don't Know Why by Norah Jones

I'm always keen to hook up with new musicians, so if you find these interesting and would like to chew the fat, so to speak, drop me a line :D
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I've been away from Singapore for the last 5 years, studying overseas. I'm actually moving back (probably for good) next Saturday and I'm definitely looking to hook up with musicians and jam out a bit :D Interested parties should feel free to contact me