Asianbeats 2006 OT


New member

How did you guys feel about today's bands?

I felt (as usual) there were alot of metal bands.

But there were some pretty interesting people.. the guys who played that RATM-styled song with the vocalist using vocal efx and their guitarist using that Fernandes to create DJ-style scratching were great.

Another band that was good was the group which had two lead guitarists.. one guy with a Paul Gibert Ibanez and another had a Gibson LP. I thought those two bands stuck out the most.
there were alot of good bands. with alot of names thats difficult to remember too.
i remember this band that played abit like RATM and Limp Bizkit. They were outstanding.
Also remembered this band playing covers, called Keep Left. Cos i kept seeing the sign, and i constantly think of the band.

What do you all think?
i had in mind a couple of bands that should've entered the semis, but i think quite a few didn't make it. and honestly, i'm kind of disappointed with the judges' decision this year. hah. but what else can we do? the ultimate decision still lies with the judges. =/
he he he .... music made in singapore
are getting better and better..
watch out KL... we'll gonna rock you...
singapore menjerit!!!!!!!!!
i remember a band that played Deep Purple cover with a girl drumer doing solo...i think she nailed it...what u guys think abt the band??
oh yea!that band rocks man!no offence,but hey,the girl drummer was so much better compared to other drummers who played.i think the whole band performed well!=]

Ok and just to clear the air, I'm the vocalist for "The Exxit" which probably featured the only female drummer in the entire competition.

We do not support sexism!
all the best for your semis, No Exit.
as for me, i'm from Paradox.
we still have a long way to go.
we played Muse-stockholm syndrome on that day.
Crawldaddy said:

"two lead guitarists.. one guy with a Paul Gibert Ibanez and another had a Gibson LP"...??...sounds like my guitarists....heheh...glad that u appreciate our music...thks..are u in the competition too?....

the RATM-styled band is called Project US...yeah their music is cool...i like the vocal efx thingy...