Artists For Vanuatu - TONIGHT (15 APR)


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hello everyone,

as you would have already known, between the 12th to the 14th of March, the devastating cyclone Pam struck the island of Vanuatu among other islands in the Pacific, destroying 90% of homes in Port Vila, affecting 103,000 people. since then, a worldwide effort in rescuing and rebuilding Vanuatu has been called to action. The Singapore Red Cross has launched an appeal for Vanuatu hoping to raise S$3,000,000 to aid the victims of the disaster.

in light of this unfortunate event, together with a fellow artist in residence of NTU Centre for Contemporary Art Singapore, Newell Harry, who had spent time living and engaging with Vanuatu, we thought of coming together to do what little we could to help the Red Cross raise funds.

do come down to Gillman Barracks at 7:30pm tonight (Wednesday), 15th of April at CCA's Block 43 (Malan Road), where Newell will be in conversation with curator Russell Storer, followed by a collaborative music performance programme consisting of Hell Low and weish performing solo sets, accompanied by Tim O'Dwyer's Soundpainting ensemble, Erik Satay & The Kampong Arkestra.

do look out for the Red Cross donation tin by the reception area where you can make your contribution to this effort.

and of course, please help spread the word!
hope to see you there!

better days ahead.