Skills: Education Programs in the Areas of Artistry, Business and Production
Advocacy: Digital, Media and Live Performance Related Programs
Opportunities: Overseas Events
We are also pleased to announce that the phenonemon Charlie Lim will be joing us to perform. Fresh from his stellar performance at Music Matters in May and the up and coming show at the Esplanade on the 31st August, Charlie will give us an update on what he's been up to and his future plans.
The agenda for the session will be:
2.00pm Regisitration
2:30pm Welcome
2.35pm Charlie Lim Performance and Interview
3.00pm SGMUSO, What Next...
3:20pm Open Dialogue
5:00pm Networking
6:00pm Farewells
We do hope you can join us and please confirm your attendance by responding to this email with whether you can make it. Looking forward to seeing you soon!
We want to hear from you!
It is our pleasure to invite you to our next event:
The Singapore Music Dialogue
Saturday 8th September 2012
Multi Purpose Hall, Block J,
Goodman Arts Centre,
90 Goodman Road,
Singapore 439053
You can view the page at http://www.soft.com.sg/forum/content.php?286-The-Singapore-Music-Dialogue
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