Article: Indie Vs Mainstream


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The independant music genre is typified worldwide as an alternative to what one perceives as "mainstream" pop music, which panders to popular tastes and hardly attempts anything outside of its comfort zone. In Singapore, we can probably count the number of commercially successful musicians with our fingers. An independant scene making music that goes against the grain of pop seems almost unfeasible.

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How can a person like a song they don't get to hear??? Only some bands in SG get exposed to some crowd, while others have their songs hidden below...the normal layman only gets to hear what's on the radio..mostly..!
Most people only get to hear mainstream..famous mainstream..
Mainstream music is made to be catchy, so.. is being catchy considered better music??? I find catchy tunes tend to lag emotion..
'Mary had a little lamb' is it considered better music??
Overstating the Case ...

I always took "indie" to just mean "independent," though usually there's more of a DIY aesthetic to it, and therefore it's usually a little rawer, messier and less slick than what's produced for mainstream radio and such.

I think your definitions are pretty slanted -- not that I want to defend the sad state of "pop" music, but just so the terms are right. "Indie" music has the heritage of a lot of ground-breaking bands, and at its best, challenges and/or creates new directions because the artists are just trying to express themselves and have little to no hope of large commercial return. However, that's best case. I have seen a fair amount of "independent" music in Singapore that is basically the same "pandering" and "comfort zone" music you describe above -- it's just that the people had to make and pay for the music themselves rather than it being on the radio.

So just as "pop" isn't always shorthand for "crap" (though *shudder* it is pretty often the case especially here), neither should "indie" be shorthand for "good," "creative," what have you. What matters is what's behind the music, what it says, and how it says it. Because all of us will still have some great "pop" songs near and dear to our hearts. It's just that we have to make sure we leave room for the "indie" ones to reach us as well.

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