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My C drive is almost out of space, so I decided to move some video files to my F drive. as they were being transfered my pc restarted. and now i cant find any of the video files! even the ones i havent transferred!! Only a few files made it to the F drive. DAMMIT ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
You could try to salvage your files from the temp folders (provided you agar agar know how to spot the files, they're probably in a different name).

otherwise you could do a search to find big files (assuming your video files are big) or find files with the name/extension.

P.S. The video files are R21 content? :P
dun think so.

when u transfer , the files are stored in RAM before being sent on.

RAM acts as a buffer to keep stuff when the transmitting rate is higher than the reciving rate.

but i dont understand why. why didnt u just copy paste ? when u copy paste even if transfer fails , your original will still be there. u just dragged and dropped the files from C:\ to f:\ ? the originals should still be in C even though transfer fail.

@thor666 ,

i think temp folders are for failed Internet content downloaded ? or after u format and reinstall over the top and u choose to select and save the old data then its saved in 0000.tmp folders ? i m pretty sure shouldnt have
Sorry to hear that. When that happens, you will normally not be able to recover 100% of your file. Some of the contents will already be truncated, or permanently damaged.

I suggest you salvage what you can and move on. Two reccomendations, backup your data on portable media, (CD, DVD...etc)

Reformat your master harddisk after backup.

Always make sure you have a harddisk which is not near full, take action when your harddisk reached 80% capacity.

If you wait till the last minute (eg.98% capacity), the chances thing goes wrong is very high. You may not have enough space for your swap files (a space 'windows' must have to safely operate).
Thanks guys, I've cooled down and decided to move on lol. Anyway, it was a bunch of videos of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. I'll be more careful next time, I guess I can go out and buy the DVDs. :D
That shouldn't have happened by right. If you are CUTTING the file and pasting over, the file will only be deleted AFTER it has been copied fully. Are you running on FAT32? If you are, that must be the cause. FAT32 is intolerant of improper shut downs, like say you were accessing a file and you shut your pc off (for your case restart), the file will be corrupted. Windows will either delete the file or store it as some lost cluster the next time you reboot. How to prevent? Use NTFS. Provided you are on NT4, W2k, or WXP that is. If you are on any of these 3, look out for something like chkdsk.000 or similar on your root. It might be hidden so set your windows to show hidden files. Inside you will see weird chk files inside, change the extention to mpg or whatever your missing files were to see if you can play them back, and if you are lucky, you just might. All the best.
sanXp said:
If you are on any of these 3, look out for something like chkdsk.000 or similar on your root. It might be hidden so set your windows to show hidden files. Inside you will see weird chk files inside, change the extention to mpg or whatever your missing files were to see if you can play them back

hey dood, does this mean that the chk files are not one of those important window files?
if i delete all of them, will something bad happen to my system?

coz i haf tons of them in my c drive.
thnx for the info...
They might have been important windows files, but after they become recovered lost clusters, you won't know what the heck they were before. So unless you lost an important document or file you can try to recover it, other than that it's pointless to keep la. I highly recommend running on NTFS if you are using an NT based OS, it has much better data integrity. The slightly faster FAT32 (I can't feel it) is not worth it.