Are you a four stringer or five/six?

I play 5 for the added low range (that is only used like in 10% of songs). If not for the range, it makes playing easier, coz you can eliminate lateral fretting hand movement if you start on lets say the 5th fret of the B string blah blah. But usually bassists don't run that much, if you do, play 6 strings. Life becomes easy. But then Victor Wooten only plays four, coz he says he hasn't even mastered that yet, why move on to 5 or 6? O_o (he may well be a reason I'll stop playing bass one day).

But I realise If i keep playing on the B string 5th fret to get an E note and scaling down that way, I can cock up when I play on a 4 coz I get too used to the lazy comfortable positioning and suddenly no B string. No good, no good.
felytone said:
i guess if you play statically(just stand there not moving around) and you nid the lows and highs, probly a 6 is a wonderful add on to ur rig. no sweat

I think weight is also a consideration... 6'ers are usually not that light and oh my shoulders! I mean same goes for those who play regularly, no matter how wide your strap, your shoulder still takes the weight... But that said, there are light 6'ers. The Yamaha John Myung bass is not one of them though haha... I don't onwn a 6 by the way, so maybe I'm not qualified to weigh the pros (of added range and ease of playing) and cons (weight, bulk, weight and weight).
squidospyder said:
But then Victor Wooten only plays four, coz he says he hasn't even mastered that yet, why move on to 5 or 6? O_o (he may well be a reason I'll stop playing bass one day).

Not specifically refering to this remark ah, but... This reminds me of ppl who like to use this phrase "but Jaco only needed 4 strings". My reply would be, "Who cares even if Jaco only need 1 string, it's bout me, not anyone else." :mrgreen: Whatever makes u happy :smt038

Oh, btw Wooten does play a 6 string :) A fretless 6, lol...
fretless6 said:
Not specifically refering to this remark ah, but... This reminds me of ppl who like to use this phrase "but Jaco only needed 4 strings". My reply would be, "Who cares even if Jaco only need 1 string, it's bout me, not anyone else." ...

You've got a point there... But most bassists who play 6'ers are influenced/inspired by other (famous) bassists who have a more melodic/technical approach to bass playing. So in that same context, Wooten is one of the most technical bassists around... but he plays a 4. Thus, that quip usually refers to those who play technical stuff on 6'ers...? Not including those who play 6'ers for the 'cool' factor (usually totally ignoring the B and C strings which actually makes life harder for them), which is not wrong; still part of showmanship ;) *wow that guy on that thing that goes BOOM! has a huge.... the other guy on that shrieky thing only has a small one* Haha...

But then again even non-technical-inspired bassists may choose to play 6'ers (or 5) for the added range and ease of play (in terms of more economical fretting hand movement). Though I must say most who do can be considered technical to a certain extent. Playing more than a 4 is too much trouble if you do only simple grooves, in which a 4 would be much easier to play. Unless its for cool factor lah. As you said, its the player's choice after all, whatever inspires one to get more out of playing or makes one a better player in that sense :)
ahhh all of u have good points!

i agree with both sides, (1) "dont chew more than u can swallow" (2) "i want to get more, the more i have the more i can aim towards"

(1) i didnt get bass fx until i was sure i would know how to use them and why i would need what fx

(2) my first guitar was an electric (most start with acoustic, i didnt know what i'd on acoustic >.<), THEN later on i got an acoustic. my first bass was a 5 string! and then i have a 6! and NOW i want a 4 (for simpler songs/grooves, the 5 is a cheap not too good sounding one)

hence, its really up to you what u wanna get.

just make sure its PRACTICAL, that YOU KNOW YOUR STUFF, and YOU MAKE GOOD MUSIC. respect :D
ohh yeah, at last dis thread is alive!!!

just to share, my first bass was a kapok acoustic guitar. maroon sunburst, custom wound pups, 2 outputs, scallop fretboard, drop d tuner, neck so steady no nid trussrod..

did i mentioned it was a 6 stringer?

it was my really my own signature bass!!!

all dat was wen i was 16, hehehe..
3notesAbar said:
fretless6 said:
Oh, btw Wooten does play a 6 string :) A fretless 6, lol...

Its a fretless 5 string if i'm not mistaken, made for him specially by his late friend, Joe Compito. :)

Oops lol, Joe Compito made him a fretless 5 and a fretted 6 :mrgreen:

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