Appearance on stage

Make an afro hairstyle, curly hair, a black mole. Then wear a pinstriped white shirt, tucked out with brown trousers and yellow boots. Does the image look familiar? :D . Dun pray pray arrrr!!!
berms + long sleeve tshirt + short sleeve tshirt over the long sleeve tshirt works for me. sometimes sunnies if it's bright. reebok classic nylon runners (PLEASE if anyone knows where to find these in singapore let me know. i've never seen a pair in this country and the leather classics are fugly) :D

accessorize with a smile and a great guitar.
CyanideJunkie said:
8O omg... i can't take it... i jus can't take it...
lol...i wear tapered, people say i ugly...i wear baggy, ppl say i punk rocker...then how? Dont care lor, i different day wear different, sometimes baggy sometimes tapered...hahaha...but on stage, definitely tapered lah...

"...Look at my pants man! Look at my pants! Look at the bottom, it looks so cool! No its not man, you look like sheet! Your leg from far look like chopstick!..."
-Hafiz A'Ari, the dude who got bashed up by a group of tapered people after releasing his song
BlackMoo said:

hahahahaha!!!! 8) honestly, that guy is talented, just that he offend the tapered people, thats why get beaten...I wear tapered but don't feel offended, I find it darn amusing! :D
HAHAHAHA CHANMIN, use the force to play guitar. -hands free-

-force strums- JENG JENG JENG. *presses red button* -distortion activated-

CHUGA CHUGA chug! wah darth vadar suit multi purpose sia.

sure better than those vondutch and teck decks. NO RULES!
Newbie said:
HAHAHAHA CHANMIN, use the force to play guitar. -hands free-

-force strums- JENG JENG JENG. *presses red button* -distortion activated-

CHUGA CHUGA chug! wah darth vadar suit multi purpose sia.

sure better than those vondutch and teck decks. NO RULES!

Any use for the Lightsaber??? :wink:

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