Anyone stock Rickenbacker Basses in Singas???


New member
Hi Team, I'm visiting your lovely country and hanging at Hard Rock Sentosa Oct/Nov, can anyone recommend a store that stocks Rickenbackers or other high end classic basses? Also I notiuced the Trade Tang links on this site . Seems they supply replica instruments . Anyone have any experience with these copies? Cheers Dears .. Michael from downunder...
Afaik there aren't any Rick dealers here in SG. Honestly, I don't think u'll find many dealers with high end classic basses here. The market for high end basses is quite small. Most high end bass retailers here are online stores, the only physical store I can think off the bat is in the basement of Excelsior Hotel, with a few Ristolas. Not exactly classic either.
afaik there is no rick dealer in sg. you would have to order directly from rickenbacker asia which is based in japan. bearing this in mind, local store TYMC seems to have alot of connections with japanese suppliers