Anyone plays Jazz ?

Jazz Bands needed on contractual basis

Hi All,

I'm at the events company helping to organise the jazz concert by the beach u are all talking about.

Basically, the CDC wants to make this event a regular one - once every 2 months. They are interested in hiring experienced or semi-experienced jazz bands on a contractual basis. Currently I'm sourcing for bands and quotes.

Interested bands, pls email me at for more details. If you know of anyone who fits the bill, pls pls pls pass on the message!!!
I don't know if Ocean was ever in the picture, but currently my company is in charge of sourcing for the jazz bands and getting quotations for this event. Pls email me if you are interested. actually i was the 2nd IC for dat day for all the volunteers.oh well i guess Southeast CDC collaborated wif Ocean Butterfly for the Jazzpiration event only.anyways i can help u get some jazz bands who are interested for the follow up events after Jazzpiration night..will definitely email u. thanks a lot!!!! :D