anyone play double bass here?


New member
hello there im thinking of taking up the double bass.. so anyone here plays the DB? got any stories to share?

i'm kinda infatuated with the double bass & would like to start with it first, although eventually i'd wanna play the bass guitar too..

im thinking of getting a teacher for double bass lessons & maybe find a store to rent a bass or sth.. im definitely not gonna spend a bomb on buying a DB as of now.
Ooh.. I think a DB is real sexy too. But I'm a little apprehensive partly because I won't have space to put the bugger at home... :oops:
hi there!

do go learn the double bass! i used to play it during secondary school days in chinese orchestra. somehow the sound is really deep and low... esp when u bow on it... :)

have fun! be prepared for blister on ur index finger!

but i dunno where can go learn... yamaha?
wookie said:
Ooh.. I think a DB is real sexy too. But I'm a little apprehensive partly because I won't have space to put the bugger at home... :oops:

agreed ... hahaha .. i tried a few out before .. wasn't used to it but i love the sound of it. I think the main tone of the double bass is how it sounds acoustically .. we have to get out of the magnetic pickup tone to hear out how a double bass responds acoustically .. =) ..

i'd love to learn but seriously no cash, no time and no space .. maybe i'll just stick to my electric bass guitar ..
i've been playing for 4 years..and probably so for the nest 2 years or even longer. haha, the sound is really sweet , esp when you bow it. but it is not as easy as it seems. it actually requires alot of technique to properly bow it and produce a nice tone.
also, its not cheap haha/
ehhh, quite hard to find a dbass teacher i think. if there is, its gonna be ex too
Double Bass

Hi Ellenshane,

I think the doublebass is a beautiful instrument, and because it is an acoustic instrument there are so many musical nuances that you can get out of it as compared to a electric bass. Of course the electric bass has its own set of "yet-to-be-explored" musical and tonal territory as well.

First up from my experience a person is more likely to spend time practising the doublebass than the electric bass, due to the fact of convenience. Practising on the electric bass requries you to set the instrument up. Unless you have it plugged in the whole day, an acoustic instrument will seem more convenient.

If you would like to check out doublebasses there is a shop bringing in doublebasses somewhere in Buikt Timah Rd. Can't remember the name. If not you can check out the Swee Lee Ware House (not too good), or at Music Essentials @ Meridian.
