Anyone meeting PARAMORE at the Airport?!!

I hugged almost all of PARAMORE members! :D

I hugged, Zac and Justin York!!! :D
I touched hayley's face and hair!!!! :D
I got Zac Farro's Autograph!!!!
Does anyone knows what time they are leaving for Manila? I mean like what flight are they taking.

These are all the flights that are leaving for Manlina on Monday!
I doubt they will be leaving at 12MN so, there's a possiblility that they will be taking the SG flight which is at 945. ANY NEWS? If anyone knows please please text me at 93897827!!! I WANNA SEE THEM SO BADLY! I didn't get to see them when they arrive already, I must get to see them before they leave!!!!!! Please help!

00:25 PR506 Manila 2 02 E24

00:40 5J804 Manila B 9

06:30 3K561 Manila 1 04

09:45 SQ910 Manila 2 08 F40

10:35 5J802 Manila B

10:50 PR502 Manila 2 02

12:30 SQ912 Manila 2 08

14:20 SQ916 Manila 2 08

17:00 SQ918 Manila 2 08

17:20 PR504 Manila 2 02

17:45 5J806 Manila B

19:30 PR512 Manila 2 02