anyone know where i can rent/borrow guitar?


New member
hello there,

don't flame me as i'm not even a guitarist. not too sure if there's such a service.

i need an electric guitar for a photoshoot.. so was wondering does anyone know when i can rent or borrow such a guitar? if u want to rent ur guitars out, do let me know as well. :)

Li Ji
most studios offer rental of gear i think. or u can hook up somebody who wanna lend your their guitar for some kopi money i guess :D :) :)
yea. i was thinking. i dun mind paying some money because i dun earn from the shoot also. it's basically for portfolio. however, i won't mind doing some pictures in exchange for the service!
wahh..not a guitarist...hmm...later u nv hander wif care how? knock here n there don care..lols...*heart pain*
i loan my friuend my guitar for his video shoot and hes a guitarist, and he #ucked it up~

no offence to you Li Ji~ :wink:

i can lend you my guitar but u take photo at my home.I have a mex.Strat.gibson studio.wasburn sb20,Headless bass hohner.headless guitar hohner.Headless spirit of steinberger.Yamaha fretless.RBX bass.Applaause acoustic.TGM silent guitar.TGM silent violin.Picture taking only on sunday 11 am to 3 pmI work in Johor.emai me
thanks for the comments but i really appreciate no OT. i'm a drummer and have my own drum gears. so with regards to taking care, i know how. thanks for the help. if u are interested, drop me an email or message. thanks.
AzNjT : no offence taken. i totally understand how u feel if someone damaged my snare drums or cymbals or spoil my pedals.