Anyone hacked their Zoom G1u ASIO driver?


New member

Wanted to get the G1u for silent practice and simple recording purposes.

Any Zoom G1u user here can give me some feedback
with regards to the following questions....

Q1)If you use Vista 64 bit, the Asio driver supplied by Zoom will fail to install, making recording impossible??

Q2)Emailed the company... they suggest me to use the 3rd party driver from this website
anyone tried and successfully able to record after "hacking" it?

thanks in advance
theres no hacking involved in asio4all. Its just having another driver choice, a better one when processing digital audio within pc OS

just need to download the thing and install into your comp. Within your software for recording, just need to select this over the other drivers available.

this one no need review one, lotsa people been using it to good effect for long while.
this one no need review one, lotsa people been using it to good effect for long while.

hi thanks

Well at least u confirmed that the 3rd party drivers will work for vista 64bit, the company itself didnt sound confidence enough in their reply that its gonna work.
the issue with the 64 bit thingy is that if you are using 32bit application within the vista x64 enviroment, asio4all should work. The problem mostly arise when running a x64 application and running asio4all.

theres some discussion on this in asio4all forum as well, you might like to read up there for further info. Apparently, theres a x64 beta version of asio4all floating around, you can look for there as well.