Anyone bought something new from Shop with NO WARRANTY?


New member
I thought reputable brands which dealers carry should offer some form of warrranty. I recently bought a NEW so called branded amp from a shop in peninsula and the shop assistant claim that there is no warranty provided for this amp because the repair cost is NOT WORTH the cost of the amp. I thought these dealers should provide some form of warranty provided by the brand itself? And not a matter whether the repair cost should be worth how much? This amp has started to cause me some problems the volume is not working at 9 and 10 o clock postion and shuts down occassionally on its own. Just 1 month into action only with less than 10 times of usage. I hope to get some insights here before I demand an exchange from the shop. I should have suspected something fishy when the guy hastily took the amp out of the box and test out the amp (I did not request for this). If the amp is new in the box and has warranty, still need to do this?
product testing is optional, regardless if there is any warranty or otherwise. the objective is to witness the working condition of the item, before one parts with cash/ agree to buy. there's little discourse here because you agree (explicit or otherwise) to buy the item after the sale condition was made known ie. no warranty.

i ever bought an item without warranty- my mobile phone @ Mustaffa Centre
i am talking about legitimate DEALERSHIP and NEW products which the shop carries from the dealer directly. Aren't they suppose to offer some form of warranty if they are authorized dealer and market the products at retail price?

Not talking about used products here, or other products new or old with no warranty.
If you are so concerned about warranty, why did you not reject the item at the point of time you are told it did not have any, i.e. when you bought it? By concluding the sale and handing over the money, you agreed to the terms that the seller put forth and the contract for both sides has been fulfilled.

And yes, certain items from certain manufacturers may not come with a warranty due to low cost nature of the item. That said, my advice would be for you to contact the manufacturer and the shop in question to settle this, rather than using the forum as the first option.
i dont really care about warrantee imho.

if it works when ive tested it it should be fine for the next year at least
i dont really care about warrantee imho.

if it works when ive tested it it should be fine for the next year at least

haha.. same same! got a few warranty card around in my drawer..

Most products should last slightly more than a year, hence once it breaks down, by then the love for it runs out so buy new stuff, imo...

good to test before purchasing.. :p
what brand amps? nowadays the build suck.

i owned a Peavey Blazer 158 MIA, 15watts practice amp lasted me 20 over years, bought it when i was 14yrs old.

bought it for $280 and it lasted thru so many blardy guitars, lol