Anyone been to Esden lately?


New member
I was there to buy my GT-2, and I saw the Tech21 NYC Trademark 60 amps there 8O I thought they didn't sell them anymore.

Can anyone confirm for me? How are they, I heard they're not bad despite being solid state amplifiers.
i just walked past esden today, but did not see the TM60 there. anwyays, used to own one myself. it was excellent stuff. but i thought a tad pricey brand new...

How much did you pay for the GT-2? Still got how many left? Hot item.
Did anyone scope out the trademark 30 being sold there?

The last time I paid esden a visit they only had sansamp stuff in stock, the usual kustom amps and some guitars.

Anyways any idea on how much the TD60 was going for?
