Anybody going to Singfest?

Is anyone going for Day 1? I really wanna watch Travis. But I'm a pathetic loser who's going alone because my friends would rather go for Day 2 (they like Jason or PATD). :( I like Jason Mraz, but to pay $200 for just one artist...that I can't do. Besides, I want to rest on Sunday so I won't be sleeping at work on Monday morning, haha. :p

I heard bands don't get paid when they open for international acts either and they gotta rent their own equipment unless they can bring their own. But i guess it's like an investment for publicity. Maybe more people will check out your band's music after that. :\

Even if the local bands playing for this event don't get paid big bucks like the international bands, i'm sure they're gonna have loads of fun experiencing and sharing the same stage/venue/field.

As for me, i might have to watch from outside depending on how they positioned the place. Sigh, that's the price to pay for GAS:(
Grrr. To be honest, I'd rather die than sit through Pussy Cat Dolls. I don't even like Panic At The Disco.

Woohoo, I'm no longer a Junior Member. :mrgreen:
I heard bands don't get paid when they open for international acts either and they gotta rent their own equipment unless they can bring their own.

Woah tatz very sucky for the local bands with all that multi-million dollar big name sponsors (Starhub, Nokia, Visa etc..) and they dun get a token sum still must rent their own equipment?
They are providing equipment.
If its one band sharing the stage with international act then may have to bring your own amps.
But this time round its a dedicated stage for the regional acts. So the concept will be more like a normal gig where everyone shares equipment. only the gear will be more like Baybeats standard I think
The bug has rearranged schedule to attend Day 1. :D
Oceanus - I'm dying to see Travis live too!
Let's see if Andy Dunlop is going to climb his amp stacks and/or fling his Gibbys.
Grrr. To be honest, I'd rather die than sit through Pussy Cat Dolls. I don't even like Panic At The Disco.:mrgreen:

pussy cat dolls so powerrr, even though i rarely listen to their stuff
can dance and sing so farken well.. all their body so good somemore xD

dont tell me you dont know how to sing DONT CHA.

idk if you dont really wanna catch them then go to the other stage catch local acts while pcd and panic are playing la =DD

i dont think they'll have to bring their own equip laa midas not so cheapo until like that.
they'll at least provide that.
yeaa i think they probably wont pay, or pay small money for local bands only.
maybe 1k for one whole local band xDD

"Can sing, can dance, got body." Sounds like some mechanical toy. :mrgreen: Sorry, I'm not really a fan. And I don't have a preference for girls, haha.

And no, I don't know how to sing that song. I hated it the minute I heard it so I never wanted to listen to it again. I just change the station or turn the radio off.

I'm just going for the first day so I guess I don't have to bother. :p
Oh i didn't mean they have to rent their own stuff for this gig. I meant like for other shows when they open the show for bands. Sorry for the misunderstanding!

hmm sorry, but i don't know how to sing don't cha. is that even a song?
don't miss universe contests showcase better bodies?
dude go watch the hunt for the next pussycat doll reality teevee show,
i dont listen their stuff either..
im more to copeland anberlin stuff, not even close to pussycat dolls.
i didnt dig them till i saw the show accidentally on tv.

some people can sing damn well cannot dance
some people can dance damn well sing kena sai

those girls are the bomb man..
go wiki and see their acheivements
Oh i didn't mean they have to rent their own stuff for this gig. I meant like for other shows when they open the show for bands. Sorry for the misunderstanding!

Yeah at least that misunderstading is straightened out :)

Now hoping tix price will drop like last year but looks unlikely since Day 2 is already sold out :(