any traceurs??


New member
hey guys.. juz wondering if there're any traceurs here.. if ure wondering, traceurs are ppl who prac the art of movement, aka le-parkour.. :)
sorry dont do this kinda stuff.insane but looks cool on video.i'd rather take the stairs.
LOL at dime's comment.

I wanted to learn when i was younger but im very afraid of breaking bones.. Its my worst phobia
to dime.. perhaps wat u saw is scaling.. parkour is diff from scaling.. to xypher- wont really break bones la.. its all abt safety.. but i know of a fren who crashed his knee 4 times doin sdc.. heh..
musicians doing parkour? land on hands, break wrists, fingers, more guitar. if break ankle, no more bass drum.
i busted my hand man. clipped on the rails and dropped face 1st down 3/4 a storey. thank god i didnt land on my face..haha. but the thrill of flying is just awesome lah.
gosh.. tat must hv hurt boy.. i almost injured my ankle when i did a jump abt 1storey from a mscp some time ago.. landed wrongly with the weight on my ankles.. ouch! but flying was really great!! heh..
i fractured and dislocated my left wrist at the same time when i was goalkeeping during a soccer game..

im small and scrawny..but my brains tot otherwise when i lunged forward to block a volley shot from a fella 3 times my size..

instead of hitting the ball...he volley-ed my hand..

fracture and dislocation..took off my tee..roll it up..bite it..and yank the wrist back in place..go home put was only the following day did i make a trip to the hospital..

had a cast on for abt 4 weeks..

till now my left wrist is significantly weaker..too bad im a guitarist.:(
dude i feel you friend who fractured his hand when he was challenging for the ball in the air and landed awkwardly on his hand.but lucky him it was his strumming hand.