any students out there?

yo. just graduated from bukit batok sec. (:
going to pjc for first 2mths, actually still contemplating.
thinking if i should just forfeit my place there and just go work and enter poly.
long story.

Dude, i'm from pjc. Go there, man. No regrets, seriously. :D
nazri u cock. Eh PJC the student council damn guailan, better consider. Cuz if u go next yr, the Orientation is gonna bore u to crap.
But didnt qualify for PAE, cant even go for MI.
who in the hell knows how i fare for O levels.gahh
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I'm not saying this as a councillor, man. Haha! Well if you want hardcore fun, pj may not be the place la. But it's as good a neighbourhood jc as it gets, trust me. Coming from an "elite" school which i shall not name, pj's a breath of fresh air.
kerplunk : if you are talking about the..govt-schools-system.

yeap. after n levels fail, go ite. but you can choose to retake also. and continue the govt route.


go a private school take a diploma
Schools are tools to create the perfect army. The loyal soldiers are the "good" students, never failing to impress with their flawless grades or what bogus crap have you. It is an elimination process whereby you separate the "can be used" from the "can be thrown". Mind programming and character embedding, I managed to learn these 2 secret subjects from schools starting from the first institute all children are required to attend by law.

In short, you attend school not for your benefit, nor for your parents, neither for your future.

Ahh crap, at least you get to fsck the chics!