Any software 4 home recording?

+ 1 on REAPER. I'm using it too. Love the VSTi plug-ins!

It may be confusing at first but once you get it going, theres no looking back.
Audacity is OK but has limitations IMO. If you want a bit more 'control', give REAPER a try.
i believe there is no virus, i have been using reaper for quite some problems so far...& they have pretty regular updates....

you seem to be very cautious....can i know what recording software you've encountered have virus..?

good to share your experience so we can all avoid those softwares...
I once dowload a ACID PRO 6 at ARES. After download it looks fine. but after a few days. My comp becomes so slow. i guese. its not the software its just the ARES where there is a lot of virus. hahah.
Btw thanks for the info abt reaper.
Now i feel safer. hahah.