Any softies own their own stacks??


New member
I was wondering... Anybody actually have their own *stack?? For what can i ask?? I mean, if you're gigging, the Amp and Cabs are provided right?? And how big is your stack?? 8O

*Stack-Amps and Cabs used for gigging. :lol:
i have 2 cabs and a head in my room.

cabs are trace elliot 1153 1x15, 2103h, 2x10 w horn.

Head is hartke HA 4000.
hey bob. y not man. after all if i lived only to hear nice tone while im out gigging then id rather not be playing. it pays to have good gear at home. not all of us have this idea that gear at home is just for practice.
You guys must have really nice (of deaf) neighbours! :lol:
So you guys never bring ur stacks to gigs??

And where did you get Trace Elliots in SG?!!
trace elliot i heard... wait long long... i think you can find em at some churches

poor deaf neighbours though...
ALiP_BoB said:
And where did you get Trace Elliots in SG?!!

bought one from an ex-colleague and another cab off luther classifieds.

I agree with you, quite rare these days to find them.
it has multipurpose actually,if you own a head,it'll be easy for recording & gigging,you can plug it into cabinet or DI,and its easy to bring around,just dont drop it,otherwise gone case
Mine is a small stack.

Epiphone Valve Junior into a 1X12 Crate Celestion Cab.
Although its 5 watts, its still fawking loud and very easy to drive into power tube saturation.