Any softies own a Line 6 GuitarPort XT ?


New member

Anybody own one ? I need to get some reviews from any Line 6 GuitarPort XT owners. Is there any latency in it , etc .. I watch the video at youtube. It sounds good but I'm not sure what the softies have to say about it. I trust you guys. Thanks!

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I have the line6 ;)

It's fabulous for what it is. However for serious recording work, I'd go for a dedicated FW Audio interface and DI the clean guitar signal in. Re-amp later with some awesome amps and you're set!
i was temped to buy that one too, but i just decided to buy a mutli effects processor with usb interface, so ill have a guitar interface bonus no need to buy one... :D
well you should go down to citymusic and try em,. if you plan for a cheaper interfcace then go for it, try search some reviews and video demos it would help..
and also there are forums about line6's guitarport vs PODstudioGx you wanna check that also they are kinda same but guitarport is cheaper i dunno why maybe they have different softwares.. hope this helps..

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