any shop sell pickguard for strats?


New member
i recently got a yamaha EG112 white in colour from luther ads, the condition is very good but i'm looking for a replacement pickguard for it. i'm looking for a pearloid pickguard that features 2 single coil and 1 humbucker and only 1 volume and 1 tone! i went to davies they say they don have any..any one knows where got sell pickguard or can custom make one? i'm okie as long as they are not too ex.....
You can go to any luthier or Guitar Workshop, give them a tracing/sample, they will cut for you. I think let hem see you guitar will do also.
You can try Guitar Connection, behind davis. I saw some aluminum ones even, silver and gold mirror finish. Cool. Wide selection too. I believe Guitar 77 also have pickguards too.
urm u gotta bear in mind that yamaha eg112's body shape is slightly different from a standard strat copy's. consequently, the pickguard should be different in shape as well, with the screw positions all over and not where u want em. heck, even changing a pickguard for a strat might require redrilling of the body.
if it is a normal one...20 bucks will get u a pickguard...but my EG112 is different only got 1 tone 1 vol...and single single its a bit hard to find...well any one know where got guitar luther that u all say can make a pickguard for me one? any idea how much it cost?..haha...
blackelements - u can try Guitar Workshop @ Bras Brasah.

or u can consider ordering online.

try to email Yamaha to see if they have replacements.

it's quite hard to get the exact pickguard for different models because the screws may be placed differently.
davis has some ibanez ones... but limited. check with sweelee? but i've never seen much ibanez pickguard being sold at sweelee as well...
Ibanez pickguards are quite limited and they're tricky to make... if you surf around those pickguard websites they require you to give an exact tracing for quite a number of their models.
where is guitar workshop specifically? bras basah complex?

erm the behringer is the same as normal fender strat rite?
gilaman said:
where is guitar workshop specifically? bras basah complex?

erm the behringer is the same as normal fender strat rite?

far from it man...

the wood, the electronics, the furnish etc. it's plywood to be exact
take the escalator up.then wlak to the right all the wae to the corner...
walk to the left u'll see swee lee...

black elements:as for the price,u can call them n ask.their no. is 6733 4106/63340071

novelty bookstore at parklane also has pickguards 2...not sure if hey hav pearloid tho...
gilaman said:
tany: dude no no. i got a behringer im referrin to the PICKGUArd...

is it th same as fender's?

unlikely, in terms of the screw positions. shapewise it could be close but you'll need adjustments here and there i suppose.