any MMORPG free online games to intro?

can play. i used to play. then i realised that it was a waste of time to go around and shoot other people LOL.

err how? make a fake nexon id?
i read the website, it says it only caters to north america, and some other countries
Alliance,yeah thats cause the alliance to horde ratio in frostmourne is like 1 is to 3~makes dailies a living hell.

Which is why I usually play later at night when server traffic is at it's least. Even if there is Horde around, they usually won't bother you much or corpse camp you. Only the 12 year olds do that lol.
9dragons anyone?

I think mmorpgs are okay as long as you know how to control yourself. I'm doing very fine with it. Only play 2-3 hours every few days. :D