any la-salle music tech students?

i'm in it..well all i can say it so-so..if u wanna do recording, go to SAE IMHO. here we learn music theory, aural trains ur all round musicianship, i'm juz in foundation yr, so we haven done much but by the looks of the faces of the senior students, the workload heavy and stressful.

i can't say much but it's great here, cuz u get to mix with so many musicians everyday!
17wil said:
u need to apply and audition?

yea, apply and sit for interview and audition. i juz played 3 diff music styles on my bass datz it, other ppl did CD recordings la, remixes, alot of other stuff la,

one thing to note, if ur musicianship isn't good, be prepared to work hard when if ur in the course, if not, u'll be left behind.
I know someone in that course foundation year as well who is good in guitar with no knowledge of theory at all...

So I guess work on your musicianship and leave the theory teaching to La Salle.... :lol:
hmm.. la - selle and SAE , la-selle is more to the music side rite?.. but the music tech couse teach audio engineering, whats the diff. with SAE?..
17wil said:
but what if i am just starting to learn guitar? liddat confirm cannot get in?

that i hav no idea, juz giv it ur best shot? when i tried out, i only played bass for 2 months, juz went crazy lookin for tabs, try to play some rock n roll bass, beatles n such, it varies, i hav frens who can shred like crazy, who can slap n pop like crazy, who has grade 8 in piano as well, itz up to u how u show ur strengths.
SAE's 1yr, La-salle's 3 yrs?

lasalle has choir and gamelan to go thru, datz all i can think of, but in my opinion, SAE betta in terms of technical stuffs
icic, if u take music tech course in la-selle, the music things u learn, is it quite basic? Coz i wana take up audio engineering , but im interested in the music side too, but the music side i can learn myself, so should i go SAE instead?..
I took SAE's course before liao. Previously only interested in recording mixing eg. Now interested in music, composing etc

Now after ORD interested in this course. My musicmanship is almost non-existant though. Guess not much hope then. :cry:
choykaiwen said:
I took SAE's course before liao. Previously only interested in recording mixing eg. Now interested in music, composing etc

Now after ORD interested in this course. My musicmanship is almost non-existant though. Guess not much hope then. :cry:

i wana take up the audio engineering part coz i already have the music part. I very intesreted in the production part and composing :)...
teraslasch said:
choykaiwen said:
I took SAE's course before liao. Previously only interested in recording mixing eg. Now interested in music, composing etc

Now after ORD interested in this course. My musicmanship is almost non-existant though. Guess not much hope then. :cry:

i wana take up the audio engineering part coz i already have the music part. I very intesreted in the production part and composing :)...

SAE don't teach composing. They teach mostly the technical side of music production eg. recording, live sound, mixing.

In retrospec, it was quite a good course, but 9k for a 1 year course...lucky that time economy haven't downturn. 8O

If there is only one piece of advice I can give you, RECORD AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. Abuse their studios, book every frickin day.
Oh ya...don't ever fail any tests/exams. If your grades don't cut it at the end, it costs $200 to retake any single test/exam. :evil:
i know SAE doesnt teach composing, i just said im intesreted in productions as well as composing. The music part can be done on my own.. haha.. so SAE.. hmm.. can use SAE cert to apply for overseas music college anot ar ? lol..
teraslasch said:
i know SAE doesnt teach composing, i just said im intesreted in productions as well as composing. The music part can be done on my own.. haha.. so SAE.. hmm.. can use SAE cert to apply for overseas music college anot ar ? lol..

SAE quite well known internationally, so maybe can.
choykaiwen said:
teraslasch said:
i know SAE doesnt teach composing, i just said im intesreted in productions as well as composing. The music part can be done on my own.. haha.. so SAE.. hmm.. can use SAE cert to apply for overseas music college anot ar ? lol..

SAE quite well known internationally, so maybe can.

problem is.. SAE is audio engineering , not really related to music.. :X... btw, do u know where SAE certs are recognized?
Hi, i juz graduated from Lasalle SIA in Music Tech last july, was the first batch of music tech students from there. Studying in LAsalle got pros n cons, same goes to other schools so u might need to find out more.
Other than learning technical stuffs which got common stuffs like recording, synthesis techniques, composing, jingles, voiceovers n alot more, the gd thing is Lasalle always have concerts goin on every week where they invite musicians n students 2 perform,u have the opportunity 2 work n build contacts with them. U r also surrounded by School of Drama, Dance, Media Arts, Fashion Design where they need pple like u n me 2 help them compose music 4 their projects, exihibitions. For me, i worked with the dancers n got the chance 2 showcase my music in a concert n even now i graduated some still call me 2 help them. Got the chance 2 compose music for Media Art students in their Animation video. So very gd place to get contacts n work.
Yes, u have 2 learn music theory there cuz essential if u wanna do midi stuffs n composing. For playing of instruments, music tech students dun need to major in tt anymore.
The cons is now got too many intake of students in music tech so everyone seldom get to use the computers n equipments much, got 2 early bk rooms 2 do ur work. The gd news is the new campus is coming up soon, near SIM LIM square there n it's really huge n beautiful so u will sure enjoy there.
Any questions can ask me, i'll gladly answer.