hi all, any of you dude can recommend a good chorus pedal?mine is currently a boss CEB-3 MIT.i cant get any good sound out from this, either that or i just suck at using it, anyways care to recommend some chorus pedals or teach me how to use the CEB-3?thanks all.
BOSS CE-2B ... i'm using it now and it works like a charm .. cept that it adds a noticable amount of highs to your tone .. which is okay actually for cutting through.
3 knobs .. can't go wrong with that ...
if you have the cash ... sell your BOSS and get a EBS UniChorus, not cheap but good stuff ...
thanks lots, but i was always on th impression that the ce-2b was discontinued. Know any place where to get it and approx how much would it cost?thanks
i think Ashdown's chorus is not bad .. but you don't find it in singapore ..
check out Davis .. they have other chorus pedals there besides BOSS ... and besides the expensive UniChorus which i don't they have stock in singapore now .. grrrrrr
i used to own DOD's Deep Freeze chorus (discontinued) for bass- it somehow adapts to more bottom end in the mix... it's still available in the shops, worth bargaining IMO 8)
i tried the Digitech chorus at swee lee a while back .. totally disgusting .. seriously .. it's an overkill of the chorus sound and sounds synthetic ...
i bought the CE-2B because it was more transparent and sounded more musical .. tweak it nicely and you can get a fretless emulated sound .. hur hur hur ..
can't remember the name of the shop in Sim Lim. they sell Tech 21 amps as well. think can find there. i got mine when i was in Japan though. super cheap, like 40bucks only..
unfortunately i havent had much experience with boss or alot of other pedals. but there are some things i like about it
its warm, very little noise, and easy to use. it also tracks a bass pretty well. the problem is the limited depth control. you have a rate knob and 2 preset depth settings. this is tailored to what ehx thinks are the ideal depth settings (they have a similar setting on the clone theory) anyway its much quieter than a clone theory. i cant stand noise.
if youre gonna invest in a small clone you might want to consider the BYOC chorus which has a pot instead of a switch for depth control.
its more of a preference than a problem. i didnt have any problem with the switch. but i want something sick because i use chorus pretty much