Any excercises to help increase picking speed?

Just keep on practising..Use fast picking method, Up-down, Up-down instead of just down...The way you hold your pick and how you place on your guitar is also crucial in picking up speed in guitar...
try playing using electric drill>you can play so fast that nobody can the melody you re playing.hahahahha
koolguy74sg said:
Just keep on practising..Use fast picking method, Up-down, Up-down instead of just down...The way you hold your pick and how you place on your guitar is also crucial in picking up speed in guitar...

Yeah just practise la, you'd realise that once you get your downstrokes going at warp speed, your alternate picking speed increases as well.

Picking is all about left and right hand coordination. Usually there WILL be a hand that is faster than the other .... try to spot which is the weaker hand and work on that.

But well ... as what the previous posts says ... just play more ... there is no short cut .... just play more and dun give up ... if you are really serious. Some ppl take months ... some people takes years .... but you will get there eventually ... some people say, "maybe i am just not gifted" ... that is total crap ...if you want it enough, you will get there ... it's not a gift ... it's sheer hard work. :)
Try using your wrist instead of your fingers ... That might be a problem you have ... Ok i don't really know the problem .. Sometimes its the guitar, last time it was really hard for me to do fast downstrokes, now i can do it easier.
nitrovo not all trash songs are downstoke..some alternate..

to increase speed for downstoke is just to practice...over and over..
then also u need to work on ur endurance...before u cramp ur forearm..

diff ppl approach diffrently..if you can pick while sitting down ..try doing it standing up at 5 min interval(less or more)
hmm depend also how u strap ur guitar as well
Alright, many of you know James hetfield is my hero.

I got the book 'the art of james hetfield' and it states most of his picking is downstroke and also has some excercises with picking and practising so im going to give it a go.
ya wrong spelling but for picking ex i go for necrophagist..
killer chops...

interesting Nitro...where u get that book?Troy Steina has book abt playing thrash too...

well u got to take it slow...most important dun get injured...
there is a difference in "pain" and playing "painfully"

Picking is basically the most important skill in the art of guitar, whether classical electric or acoustic. The picking stokes makes the song u are playing flow. But it all depends on the song. As they said earilier on, there is down up down up. But as u may knnow, a downstroke is a heavier sound, so it is sort of the heavier accented beat, resulting is the upstroke, which is the continuation of the first beat. In the end, u get a constant row of notes, with a smooth melody line. Practice makes perfect, do scales with updownmotion of the pick, going the complete 4 octaves, or u can also do chromatic scales. Scales train note accuracy and chromatics train speed... Practice is the crux of the whole process.
It's amazing how many ppl out there thinks there's some kinda shortcut in able to play an instrument or master a technique, but the truth is.....practice makes perfect. Sounds harsh but it's the truth!
I love the Rock Discipline video instructional by Petrucci. It's helped me a fair bit with my picking even though I have not finished even 1/5 of the material there :)
just work your way up to speed by playing songs....its the best and most fun way...hehe something in this order...hehe....
for whom the bell tolls->fuel->creeping death->Master of puppets->battery->blackened->hit the lights...etcetc....hehe..wentall metallica..but if u want soe realy cool thrash practice..megadeth is teh way to go...spider finger technique hahahaha.......
Ive been practising and im slowly noticing a difference. I was also holding the pick wrong for fast picking, now that i fixed that its better.

want the hetfield book? pm me.