Any beginner-friendly guitar to recomend?


New member
Currently learning drums , going guitar soon.

New to guitars. So any beginner friendly guitar to recomend?:)
u should state wad's u're budget for guitar and amp.
u should also state if u perfer a slim neck profile or thicker neck profile and things like that.
I have a silvertone and Squire cali strat (fat) for beginners,both cream/olympic white.

Excellent condition, Squire at $280 and Silvertone at $200

msg me if you want,or anyone wants.
Daisy rock guitar!!!
Then u can be like eita of seven seas can shred ahhh!! and some of my friends can't even play better than her
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type of guitar - electric or acoustic?
shape preference- les paul? strat? superstrat? prs?
type of songs u play - high gain? blues? clean? low gain?
budget includes amp and everything else or just guitar?

if i were u,
i'd get a lespaul for the easiness(got such word?) to restring, simple 2 pickups.
i'd get a strat coz its light and thinner neck,easy accessiblity to higher frets because of double cutaway.
i dont intend to offend, but TS, the way u answer our questions and the description of ur requirements makes me not bothered to help. if i were to answer ur question the way u answer, i'd say "all guitars frenly ba"
i dont intend to offend, but TS, the way u answer our questions and the description of ur requirements makes me not bothered to help. if i were to answer ur question the way u answer, i'd say "all guitars frenly ba"

aha..i gotta agree with u bro..seems like he's not bothered or serious of getting the stuffs he mentioned..anyway, saw ur TGM les paul tryout..neck pickup damn smooth sia..but i think the microphone isnt giving ur guitar any justice..lolz..

all guitars frenly ba..
they wont bite u ho..
i dont intend to offend, but TS, the way u answer our questions and the description of ur requirements makes me not bothered to help. if i were to answer ur question the way u answer, i'd say "all guitars frenly ba"

realli agree to wad theunknown said.
if u wan strat cheap. buy from sweelee.
235 only. but dun buy from the site. buy from the shop itself. u can get great bundle deals.
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theunknown is right.

Well, any good guitar can play anything, just gotta know how to tweak, strats? You can go for the squier at sweelee, or look around soft classifieds, lotsa good deals. I do find the bas and des rather annoying as well man.
hope there are no ill feelings (reading how things have turned out thusfar). proper communication can do lots to maintain cordiality here 8-)