Angels & Airwaves Live in Singapore

Hi! The arrangment is all in seating one right .. i tot is standing.. anyway I LOVE ANGELS AND AIRWAVES! I WILL GOO!!
i've booked a ticket in row b. anyone else gg? i hope the crowd wont be like the one at singfest.. where everyone infront knows shit abt the band and just want to stand and look pretty in the pit (i wonder why) and go "heyyy why did you push me??? *pouts*" uhm hello, first time at a gig ah? not being cocky, just irritated. anyway, who else is gg? =) i see jskadiang..hello!
serotonine: it won't be like the one at singfest.. the people who are going are obviously paying to see AVA because well..they're the only band there! :S except for the opening act. and hi. see ya there :D
im going. havent got my tickets though. get to choose the seats uh?

damn all the good seats. Level 1 - Center 1. all gone. shit
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