suspend_thought said:
Can you PLEASE PLEASE not quote selectively.
I post selective because I want to concentrate the
flaws point to point. You are getting all worked up...why? It is a gear forum where people discuss their opinions man.
suspend_thought said:
Let's not forget that our choices are built as much as on how our budget limits us. If you are looking for a certain tone, then by all means try all amps available, regardless of wattage.
Your previous post simply does not relfect that at all.
suspend_thought said:
but the topic poster asked for amps with his only requirements being that it fitted his $300 budget and were 100 watts; thus I posed the question -- do you really need 100 watts?
Thus, YOU might need that 100 watts, but in context, looking at the topic; it is rather redundant.
It's NEVER reduntant if there is a willing party whose selling a 100 watt tube amp for $300 or less. Might sounds impossible but like I said, I have seen 2nd hand tube amps going for that price.
I believe your point in invalid as you are trying to back track what you said. I'll summarize what you said in your previous post. You think it's not practical to own a tube amp in a HDB as not to disturb your neighbours. From there it really shows that your emphasise is not on his budget but on practicality.
suspend_thought said:
And more wattage DOES = more dollars, looking at products on a similiar line. Let's compare fairly here, it's like asking why a 15 watt solid state MG15CDR costs 200 compared to a Reverend Goblin which costs six times that? That's obviously not a fair comparison.
IMO, you don't really know what you're talking about. You never stated that you are refering to similar lines of products. Hence, quite a few people already posted saying that more watts does not = more dollars. Not just me. You never explained your point clearly. In context, it's not even a point IMO. That statement about
"More wattage DOES = more dollars" don't really have much relevance.
suspend_thought said:
And let's not forget that we do not control the prices; but rather the sellers, and we simply look at them and dictate what we can buy.
Let's also not forget that people have different views on tone, and acquisition of said tone.
It may dictate what YOU buy but not me. If I want something real bad, I save up for it. So your point is a matter of personal preference. Don't accuse me of forgetting about people's preference. I'm the one who pointed that out to you.
suspend_thought said:
Thus I do believe it would be more helpful to the topic poster to look at what he wants and suggest accordingly, instead of picking on what somebody says that's perfectly validated, and instead of responding productively choose to ignore said validation blowing it up beyond proportions, wouldn't it.
I don't agree. Accusing people especially the topic poster for ignoring to respond "productively" and "blowing it up beyond proportions" just shows your frustration that no one is acknowledging your claims.
For me it doesn't matter. I give advice & opinions. It's up for the people to take it or not. We're here to help each other out.
I don't want to be offensive or anything but I can't see how arguing with you would solve any problems. It's just not worth my time or anyone else's for that matter. I have to stop here before it turns into a flame war. And I don't want to run around circles with you. Like I said, I give advice & opinions it's up for the people to take it or not. Take care I do hope you find your tone 8)